Welcome to the Plymouth Truth. The Plymouth Truth is the web log of Mr. Dan Tyree and Dr. Rodger Smith. Dan is the Superintendent and Rodger is the Assistant Superintendent of Schools for the Plymouth Community School Corporation in Plymouth, Indiana.
Wednesday, December 21, 2005
Blog Bits
Town Hall Meeting #2
Above is the latest proposal Dr. McKibben presented at Town Hall Meeting #2. If you have any questions or comments for Dr. McKibben, please forward them via email to jhill@plymouth.k12.in.us.
Christmas Break Hours
Our office will be open from 8:00 a.m. to 3:30 p.m. during winter break. The office will be closed on Friday December 23rd, Monday December 26th and Monday January 2, 2006, in observance of the holidays.
Have a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!
Wednesday, December 14, 2005
Town Hall Meetings #3, #4, #5
Based upon the comments at each meeting, Dr. McKibben will update scenarios for future elementary redistricting.
If you have any questions you would like to submit to Dr. McKibben prior to the meetings, please send them to jhill@plymouth.k12.in.us.
Tuesday, December 13, 2005
Blog Bits
Some have asked why is redistricting of the elementary schools necessary? We currently have elementary schools of four different sizes. One is over 500, one over 400, one in the mid 300s and one in the high 200s.
Next year, all elementaries will be approximately the same size. This alone will require redistricting in order to balance the size of buildings.
Since all students in grades 5-12 will be assigned to the same building, those buildings reflect the makeup of the school district. It is important the elementary buildings students attend reflect the school community. This requires that we redistrict in such a way that the buildings are balanced for socioeconomics and ethnicity.
Town Hall Meeting #2
Dr. McKibben presented his latest proposal for redistricting. Members of the community have made several suggestions. Dr. McKibben will use the input to design new scenarios.
Three future town hall meetings will be scheduled. Two will be held on January 16th and one on January 17th. The exact times and locations will be announced at a later date.
Some have emailed and thought that the maps being presented represented final decisions. This is a work in progress.
It is important, as a community member, that you attend those meetings and share your ideas.
Thank you to PASS and the staff at Washington Elementary for hosting last evening’s meeting.
Friday, December 09, 2005
Blog Bits
Plymouth Community Schools were on a two hour delay this morning. The Marshall County Highway Department and Plymouth City Street Department were out early plowing roads and streets. Both north/south, east/west roads had experienced some drifting and time was needed to complete the plowing for the busses.
Board Highlights
The board met in regular session last evening. In addition to their regular business, the board approved an end of the year resolution to transfer funds and pre-write checks, increase the contribution for bus driver insurance from $2,000 to $3,000, and set the date for the organizational board meeting on January 5, 2006 at 7:00 o’clock p.m. in the board room.
Facility Update
In Plymouth High School multi-purpose room, the classroom, locker rooms, weight room, storage room, restrooms, and the hallway, the ceiling grid and the light fixtures have been installed. During the next two-week period, the same installation will take place in the new lobby. Quarry tile has been installed in the locker room and restrooms. The installation of the flooring surface in the multi-purpose room and weight room will begin during winter break. In the broadcast area, the cabinetry has been installed. During the next two weeks, the vinyl tile will be installed in the studio. In the ensemble and speech area, the cabinetry and the sub floor has been installed. The painting is completed in the ensemble room.
At Jefferson, the block fill is completed. The overhead plumbing and electrical runs are 90% complete. During the next two weeks, the fire alarm will be installed and the faculty restroom will be available for use.
At Riverside, the light poles will be installed as soon as weather permits.
At Webster, Lincoln, and Washington, punch list issues are still being addressed.
At the new Menominee, section A is enclosed. The floor pours will begin. The rebuilding of the exterior walls that were blown down in the windstorm will be completed in two work days, weather permitting. Plumbing and electrical rough-ins continue.
Town Hall Meeting #2 – Redistricting, a Work in Progress
The second town hall meeting will be held at Washington Elementary at 7:00 o’clock p.m. on Monday evening, December 12th. For those who are unable to attend, you can submit comment via the comment section on the blog or an email to jhill@plymouth.k12.in.us. Future town hall meetings will be scheduled after the first of the year.
ISTEP+ Scores
All parents will have received ISTEP scores by next Wednesday. If for some reason a parent has not received a score, please contact the building principal.
Boys Basketball Game
The game with Peru will be played at its scheduled time – GO PILGRIMS!!
Tuesday, December 06, 2005
Town Hall Meeting - 12-12-05
At Town Hall Meeting #1, Dr. McKibben explained the process for developing redistricting maps; offered a base line proposal, and took comments and questions.
Based upon the input from Town Hall Meeting #1, Dr. McKibben will be presenting a revised scenario.
All members of the community are encouraged to attend the meeting. If you have a question that you would like to submit to Dr. McKibben prior to the meeting for his response, you can email the question to jhill@plymouth.k12.in.us, subject: redistricting question.
Tuesday, November 29, 2005
On November 23rd, members of Business Professionals of America provided the 9th annual Thanksgiving Feast to the Plymouth High School Faculty and Staff. Thank you to the members who brought in dishes to make the traditional feast the best. Special thanks to Nona Hollenbaugh for her leadership. If there are parents out there who helped, thank you! This is a great way for our high school faculty and staff to share food and fellowship. And, even though staff members were "stuffed", they look forward to the feast again next year!
Wednesday, November 23, 2005
“It’s only right, at this special time of the year, that we pause for a moment and ask ourselves what it is that we have to be thankful for. If there is a special day for giving thanks, let us know at least what it is for which we give that thanks.
The answer is not always at our fingertips. It is not always clear. We read the headlines of newspapers, we listen to the voice from the radio, and we watch the TV screen and what do we see? We see crimes so horrible that it sickens every decent man and woman. We see the results of war and natural disasters mirrored in the horror-stricken faces of its victims. We see tragedy, upon tragedy, hunger, poverty, and degradation. We see several workers losing their job. This is what we see, and certainly the doubt must come that we have little to be thankful for in this far from perfect world. We can understand how this feeling could arise, for certainly, there is much in this life which causes us pain and frustration.
There is much which we regret and condemn, and make no mistake about it; there is much that is good and worthwhile in this world, if we look for it. Especially in our community we can find individuals who give of themselves in every way. We find people who risk their own lives to save others or the victims of unexpected tragedy. We find people who, when tragedy strikes, are there to provide relief and comfort to those who suffer. We find people who time and time again have been there when they were needed and have asked nothing in return except the chance to serve again.
This we can find if we choose to look for it. We can find love conquering hate every day. We can find homeless children in our community, it is true. But we also find men and women with hearts full of love. A love so large it incorporates those children so that they are adopted and raised in families that are thankful for a chance to share that love with a child. For every negative act, we can find an act of kindness, an act of giving, and act of love. It is there that we look for it.
What can we be thankful for? We can be thankful for each other. We can be thankful that in this world filled with tragedy we have people whose lives are a triumph. We can be thankful that for every individual who takes from society in terms of crime and terror, we have 10, 20, 100, and 1,000 who give each and every day of their lives, in terms of love, care, selflessness, and concern for others. Let us all rejoice for these wonderful things and be thankful during this time of the year and throughout the entire year. Happy Thanksgiving to everyone.”
Friday, November 18, 2005
Principal for a Day
From left to right, back row: Gary Cook, Charles Ripley, Tony Ross, Mark Senter, Dennis Emmons. Front row: Carol Anders, Mishelle Bergeron, Dwight Laidig, Laurie Sutter.
Board Highlights and Facility Update
The board met in regular session last evening. In addition to conducting its regular business, the board recognized Harold Schmidt, Jim and Bonnie Yeazel, Amy Gerard, Stephanie Drudge, as outstanding volunteers at the elementary schools. The board also recognized the Webster elementary staff for being cited as a model elementary school by the Center for Evaluation and Educational Policy.
Special recognition was given to Marcia Holloway, Sandy Rowe, Marcia Pownall, Sandy Geist, and Melody Kruger, who will retire at the end of the current school year.
Mrs. Portteus, Mrs. Scheetz, and Mrs. Rowe provided the board with a follow-up report on the class of 2005 and a report on SAT scores.
The second reading of revised policies was completed. The board’s next meeting will be on December 8, 2005 at 7:00 p.m. in the Administration office board room.
New Facility Update
At the New Menominee School the northeast end of the building will be enclosed by the end of November. Meeting this benchmark is progressing. The southwest addition received damage during last Sunday’s wind storm. A 90’ wall and a 40’ wall have fallen. Cleanup has begun. The masons report they can have the walls rebuilt in two weeks and stay on schedule.
At Jefferson, the new addition is enclosed. Work is moving forward on the installation of mechanical, plumbing, and electrical systems.
At Plymouth High School, the multipurpose room painting has been completed. Ceiling panels and the overhead ducts have been installed. In the new shower rooms, the ceramic tile and shower controls are installed. Carpeting and casework has been installed. In the broadcast studio, during the next two weeks, the lights will be installed in the multipurpose room; other equipment will be hung from the ceiling. The painting will be completed in the lobby. The installation of the ceiling grid will begin in the multipurpose hallway and extend into the new lobby area. The casework will be set in the ensemble room and installation of the quarry tile will be completed in the multipurpose wing restrooms and locker rooms.
Tuesday, November 15, 2005
The Process Begins- Proposal #1
Current Attendance Areas
Monday, November 14, 2005
Blog Bits
During the high winds this weekend, two walls on the southwest corner of the building were blown down. The building corporation maintains builder’s risk insurance to cover these misfortunes. Those areas will be cleaned up and rebuilt immediately.
The district received the following from Senator Richard Lugar:
“Congratulations on the Plymouth Community School Corporation being recognized for significantly narrowing achievement gaps by Standard & Poors during the 2003-2004 school year. This is a single honor in which you should take a great deal of pride. The school district can not thrive without the active participation of the administration staff and volunteers of area schools on behalf of the students in the community they serve. This recognition is a direct result of the hard work and dedication of the community to ensure that each young person, no matter race or social economic class, has access to an excellent education. Congratulations on this extraordinary honor and I wish the Plymouth Community School staff and students every continuing success.”
The Indiana Chamber of Commerce has also recognized Plymouth High School as an honorable Best Buy School in its 2005 7th edition. Congratulations to the staff and students of PHS!
The Center for Evaluation and Educational Policy in its Special Report, “Is the achievement gap in Indiana narrowing?," cited Webster Elementary as a “model elementary school.” Webster was selected as a model elementary school in closing the achievement gap when considering its significant number of students (48%) who qualify for free or reduced lunch price meals compared to the state average (34%), and the high performance of this student population in ISTEP+. Congratulations to the Webster staff and students!
Friday, November 04, 2005
Blog Bits
The Board met in regular session last evening. In addition to conducting its regular business, the Board recognized Lane Wiley, a Webster student, for his community service.
Suzi Clevenger presented her report on the Alternative School. She reported current enrollment figures, the number of students successfully completing ISTEP, future enrollment projections, and program changes that will be required by the State of Indiana.
Donna Burroughs updated the Board on the planning for the 5/6 building. The Board named the building Riverside Intermediate School. The mascot is the “Rockets”; the motto is “Launching into the Future”; the school newspaper is the “Rocket Rumblings”; and the yearbook is the “Rocket Review”.
The Board heard the first reading of revised and new policies. A majority of those policies were the result of new laws enacted by the last legislature.
Interesting Reading
The South Bend Tribune published an article featuring the study tables offer at Plymouth High School. Thank you to Mrs. Portteus, Mr. Masson, Mr. Fishback and the many student volunteers from the Key Club and National Honor Society for devoting their time for the betterment of our students.
An Exciting Adventure Begins
Thursday, November 03, 2005
Teacher / Staff Blogs and Websites
Technology is on the move for the Plymouth School Corporation! Below are links to teacher and staff websites and blog pages.
Please take a moment to view each site and notice how helpful they can be for parents and students for homework and information during off time and after hours. ENJOY !
The Plymouth Truth
Corporation Blog
Judy Harness
Mrs. H's PRIDE and Art
Art Teacher - Elementary
Jane Johnson
Johnson Journal
Second Grade Teacher at Menominee
Tom Johnson
The Paint Spot
Art Teacher - LJH
Linda Espich
Mrs. E's Blog
Third Grade Teacher at Menominee
Mary Kaufman
Brad Fackler
Guidance Counselors at Lincoln Junior High
Tina Morales
Guidance Secretary
Guidance Office Blog
John Barron
Health Teacher Plymouth High School
Rockie Head Football Coach
R-R-R-R-ROCKIE Football Blog
Grand Masson
Geography Class Blog
Grant Masson
U. S. History Class Blog
Dave McKenzie
Speech & Debate Team Blog
Speech/Debate Coach
Speech/Drama/Lanaugae Arts
PlymouthHigh School
Nona Hollenbaugh
Business Professionals of America Website
Plymouth High School Business
Nikki Rumpler
Teacher Website
Webster Elementary School
User Name: rumpler
Password: science
Cindy Wagoner
Pride of Plymouth Music Program Website
Plymouth High School Music
Tara Sharp
Teacher Blog
Lincoln Junior High School Math
Jeff Hunter & Teresa Dennie
Teacher Blog
Menominee Elementary School
Ben Waymouth
Media Specialist Blog
Waymouth's Window
Media Center Website
Laura Kruyer
Plymouth High School Social Studies Website
Paul Patrick
Plymouth High School Science Website
Bob Garrity
Lincoln Junior High Science Website
Monday, October 31, 2005
Blog Bits
With the PHS student total not included, Plymouth Community School United Way donations and pledges are at $17,727.03 up from $14,679.43 last year. Congratulations and thank you on behalf of all the community agencies and the Marshall County United Way..
Facility Updates
At Plymouth High School lunch will be served in the renovated cafeteria on Tuesday. The canteen will not be available for the first few weeks. The new multipurpose room is being painted. Cabinetry is being installed in the new broadcasting area during the next week. Ceiling grids have been installed in the training room and new locker rooms. The final coat of blacktop is being installed today.
At Menominee, there is some plumbing that remains to be completed. The new parking lot lining and light installation will occur during the next two weeks.
At Jefferson, the steel and metal decking has been erected. Roofers will be installing the new roof and the masons will complete the interior walls during the next two week period.
At the new Menominee, the footers and foundation walls have been completed. The ramp areas are being constructed. Masons continue to build walls in both the A and B wings. As an area is made available, steel is erected and metal decking is installed. Roofers are on-site closing in areas as they are made available.
Contractors are following up on punch lists in all the other buildings.
Town Hall Meeting
PASS and Plymouth Community Schools will be co-sponsoring a town hall meeting on November 14th at 7:00 p.m. in the St. Joseph Hospital Education Room. This will be the first meeting addressing redistricting. Jerry McKibbin, the demographer, will present Re-districting, a Work in Progress. He will review preliminary numbers and explain the process that he goes through as a demographer in developing scenarios. He will share a base scenario and request public input at the meeting. All are encouraged to attend.
Lane Wiley, a student at Webster Elementary has been selected for the October 2005 Future Leaders Award. Indiana State Treasurer, Tim Berry will present the award and a check for $1,000 to Lane on Wednesday, November 16th.
The State of Indiana has awarded Webster Elementary a Reading is Fundamental Grant. This will provide books for distribution to the students at Webster.
WalMart presented Washington with a computer and printer last week.
Angie Becktel has identified an interesting writing website. It contains six trait writing activities http://www.writingfix.com/.
Wednesday, October 26, 2005
Blog Bits
The cold weather has set in and we have received several phone calls about the temperature in the school. As we work with new boilers and old boilers, both present a challenge to heat the school evenly and immediately. As you know natural gas prices will be up substantially this winter so the thermostats will be set at 69 degrees to conserve energy. Our recommendation is for staff and students to bring a sweater or sweat shirt with them.
High School Physical Education Blues
Several parents called yesterday with concerns about fumes in physical education class at the high school. The construction manager informed us that the paint fumes from the multi-purpose room were not dangerous; however, he has closed several vents leading from the old school to the new school and that has eliminated the fumes.
Play and Football Game Parking
Friday night should bring lots of students and parents to Plymouth High School to see the drama department's Beauty and the Beast and then see the Rockies beat East Noble. The play starts at 6:30 and patrons should park in the south parking lot. The sectional football game starts at 7:30 and patrons should park in the north and east parking lot.
Monday, October 24, 2005
Changes and Challenges
Primary teachers have been involved in implementing new reading strategies. Members of the elementary and middle school staff have spent time sequencing curriculum for the development of benchmark exams. Several of our staff members have spent time planning the new 5/6 grade building. Other staff members have had to work around construction projects.
As we have observed our staff members working extremely hard; we acknowledge that change can be difficult and frustrating. Thank you to the many staff members working extremely hard for the improvement for our students.
We have also been faced with external changes which have presented challenges. The spiraling cost of fuel for our vehicles and utilities for our buildings create new challenges. Staff members have made difficult choices in selecting field trips. Community members have stepped up to help fund those same trips. We are extremely fortunate to be members of a district and a community where the internal and external forces have come together to provide our students out of school experiences.
The devastating hurricanes and the needs of our community organizations that continue to rise create challenges for charitable organizations. Again, students and staff of Plymouth Community Schools have stepped up to the challenge by contributing to the victims of Katrina and to the Marshall County United Way. Staff members have pledged or given $11,395 to the United Way campaign this year. Thus far, student campaigns have netted $5,456 in donations with two buildings yet to report.
We express our deep appreciation to staff, students, and community members for stepping up to the changes and challenges of this school year.
Friday, October 14, 2005
Blog Bits 10-14-05
The board met in regular session on October 6, 2005. In addition to conducting its regular business, the board recognized Nate Pearson and Erin Dunning, Plymouth High School Business Professionals of America students who have compete successfully at the state and national levels.
The board approved an agreement with Cyberlink. Cyberlink will provide Plymouth Community Schools with high-speed Internet access in return for the use of the corporation’s towers.
Literacy Conference
Last week 23 teachers and six administrators attended the Literacy Conference sponsored by the Indiana Department of Education. They heard leading experts in the area of reading from throughout the country.
We are in need of substitute bus drivers. Individuals who become a substitute bus driver make themselves eligible for future routes. If interested contact Rick Scott in the transportation department at 936-3115.
The students at Webster Elementary have contributed $1,017.54 to the Marshall County United Way Campaign. In addition, 100% of the Webster staff participated in the drive this year. Campaign chair Jim Wagner and educational campaign chair Larry Pinkerton met with the Webster staff this morning to express their appreciation for the staff’s efforts.
Board Meeting
The October 20, 2005 meeting of the Board of Trustees has been canceled due to conflicts with fall break. The next regularly scheduled meeting of the board will be November 3, 2005 at 7:00 p.m. in the board room.
Tuesday, October 11, 2005
United Way, it's what matters locally
Monday, October 10, 2005
Principal for a Day
Monday, October 03, 2005
Anne Gasway
Anne and her husband Casey have two sons, Cooper, 5 years, and Willem, 2 years
Indiana State University, English Education and Creative Writing
Reading, writing, running, camping, fishing
Your Comments
I was born and raised in Crawfordsville Indiana. I went to college at Indiana State University on both athletic and creative and performing arts scholarships. During my stay I was active not only with the track and cross country teams but also with Students of Fine Arts.
I graduated in the winter of 2001 and started teaching at Northview High School in the fall of 2002. While at Northview High School I taught English in an LD self-contained classroom. I was also head girls track and cross country coach.
After two years my husband and I decided, “Hey you only live once. Let's see what it's like to live somewhere else." So we moved to Colorado. It lasted 6 months. There really is no place like home.
We were glad to get back to Indiana. We're even happier to be in Plymouth. I have taught in my share of high schools, and I know Plymouth is one of the best.
Thursday, September 29, 2005
New Facility News
The district will occupy the new music wing at Plymouth High School next week. From October 3rd to October 7th, equipment will be moved into the new areas. Classes will begin meeting in the new areas on October 10th. The target date for moving in to the remodeled cafeteria is November 1st.
What is in a name?
Fourth and fifth grade students are having an opportunity to be involved in recommending a name for the 5/6 building. Some of the names that have been suggested from students are Pilgrim School, Liberty Intermediate, Centennial Intermediate, Harrison Intermediate, Plymouth Intermediate, Patriot Intermediate, Independence Intermediate, Hoosier Intermediate, Sally Ride Intermediate, Christa McAuliffe Intermediate,Reagan Intermediate, Kennedy Intermediate, Plymouth Rock Intermediate, Franklin Intermediate, Roosevelt Intermediate, Lewis & Clark Intermediate, Rockie Intermediate, Mayflower Intermediate, Riverside Intermediate, Marshall Intermediate, Tecumsah Intermediate, Potawatomee Intermediate, and Horris Corbin Intermediate. These suggestions are in addition to those that many of you have submitted.
As part of the naming process, students will also be involved in identifying a mascot, school motto, newspaper name, and yearbook name.
For those of you who enjoy satire and wish to keep abreast of educational happenings in Indiana and around the country, we invite you to read the Super's Blog. The link is located on the right side of this page.
Thursday, September 22, 2005
Career Readiness
Mrs. Michelle Tanner handled the majority of the work load at the high school's end and deserves accolades for her tenatious approach to making the first mass job-shadow successful. Her job included working with students and their occupational desires, contacting businesses, and then organizing the students to be out of school one of the three days that ISTEP was being given to freshmen and sophomores.
A follow-up thank you letter from the students will be sent and feedback from each student will be examined so plans for next year's juniors can be initated.
A big thank you goes out from the school corporation to Mrs. Tanner and all of the businesses who took part in this very meaningful day. This is the type of partnership that helps students get a first-hand look at a carrer they are choosing. It also helps students focus on jobs in Plymouth and Marshall County to help eliminate part of the brain-drain.
More can be read about this in the South Bend Tribune as Mrs. Ida Chipman is preparing a story. Thank you Marshall County for all you do to help children!
Wednesday, September 21, 2005
Mock Disaster
At the site, the students were to be victims of a school bus explosion. They were doused with diesel fuel and a suspicious white powder, necessitating decontaminating by haz-mat teams.
Dr. Holm, our county medical director, and the EMA's worked with incident command to clear the site. PHS students were all taken by ambulance to SJRMC and put through the decontaminating process. Air Angels and Good Samaritan were there with the helicopters and the students were able to sit in the helicopter and talk to the paramedic.
After the disaster, the students and Mrs. King, the school's health occupations instructor, attended the debriefing at the First United Church of Christ where they learned what the Red Cross does in the event of an emergency. The church became an emergency shelter at that point and students were signed in to the shelter, just as they would have been in New Orleans last month. It was an amazing learning experience for our students.
Tuesday, September 20, 2005
Enrollments up
The enrollments are as follows:
Jefferson – 232 students
Menominee – 573 students
Washington – 384 students
Webster – 427 students
Lincoln Jr. High – 833 students
Plymouth High School – 1,026 students
Total Corporation Students – 3,475
The enrollment results will be sent to the Indiana Department of Education and will undergo a reconciliation process. Final numbers will be determined at a later date
New Teacher Biography - Cathy Deardorf
Cathy Deardorf
Cathy and her husband Larry have been married for almost 17 years. They have four wonderful daughters, Leticia 16, Ciersten 14, Leah 12, and Cendra 9.
Cathy graduated from DeKalb High School in 1987. She earned her Bachelors degree in Secondary Science Education from Tri-State University (Angola, IN) in 1996. She was licensed to teach biology, general science, and computers. Cathy earned her Masters degree in Administrative Education Leadership from Indiana University-Purdue University Fort Wayne in 2003. She finished her K-12 principal licensing in 2004.
Why did you become a teacher?
“When I began college, I chose the field of education because I was influenced by some wonderful teachers at DeKalb High School. They had a big impact on my life. I wanted to be the same type of positive influence for my students. The decision for me to move out of the classroom into administration was a difficult one to make. I loved teaching, but with administration I can work with students in so many different ways and on so many different levels, not just with my curriculum. I also get the opportunity to work more directly with the wonderful staff and community of Plymouth. Since coming to Plymouth, I know I made the right decision.
Cathy's Comments
“I love working with the students and staff at Plymouth high School. Coming into a new position, there is always a lot to learn and everyone has been very supportive. Thank you for making me feel welcome.
Monday, September 19, 2005
Want to be Principal for a Day?
Community members will spend their morning with one of Plymouth's principals starting at 8:00 AM and concluding at 1:00 PM. At that time all participants and volunteers will gather at the administrative building for a luncheon and discussion of the day's events. The press will be invited so pictures will be taken as well.
If you want to be a "Principal for a Day" contact Plymouth Community School Corporation by calling Amy Pratt at 936-3115. All volunteers must be 21 years old and live in the Plymouth School district.
Friday, September 16, 2005
Blog Bits
The school board met in regular session last evening. The highlights of the meeting are as follows:
- The board approved monthly claims and personnel.
- The board heard a report on the school improvement plan at Washington Elementary. Mrs. Riise explained the use of the DIBELS assessment and the three-tier intervention model.
- Mrs. Riise also reported that the students at Washington Elementary have raised over $1,000 for victims of hurricane Katrina.
- The board gave permission to publish Notice to Taxpayers of Additional Appropriation from the rainy day fund.
- The next board meeting will be on October 6, 2005 at 7:00 p.m. in the Administration Building.
Construction Update
At Washington, Webster, Lincoln schools, the contractors are still working on items that have been identified on the punch list. Principals have contacted the construction manager with unresolved issues in their buildings.
At Menominee Elementary, the interior work is substantially completed. The contractors are installing the new parking lot. Projected completion of this installation is late October.
At Jefferson Elementary, the masons will complete the construction of the load bearing walls during the next two-week period. The pouring of the concrete floors will begin. Trusses are scheduled to arrive on site on November 1st. The new addition should be under roof by the end of November.
At Plymouth High School, the music wing is moving closer to completion. Carpeting has been installed in three of the large instructional areas. Vinyl floor covering will be installed in the choir room next week. Work on the driveway around the music wing is nearing completion. Weather permitting the base coat of asphalt will be applied in another week. The target date for completion of the music wing is October 1. The contractors have completed the electrical rough-ins in the cafeteria area. Wall board is being installed at this time. Target completion date of the cafeteria is November 1. The masons are wrapping up their work in the multipurpose wing. Mechanical, plumbing and electrical workers are installing their equipment. Electrical rough-ins have been completed in the broadcast classroom and studio. Contractors are installing wall board. During the next two week period, painting and installation of ceiling grids will begin in that area.
The construction of the load bearing walls continues in Section A of the new elementary. This process will continue during the next two weeks. All the footers and foundations in the classroom wing will be completed next week.
Students in the Plymouth Community School Corporation will be taking the ISTEP tests next week. Please be sure your children are getting plenty of sleep and a good meal each morning
Wednesday, September 14, 2005
New Teacher Biography - Grant Masson
Grant Masson
Grant is married to wife Debbie for 15 years. They have two children, Scott 8, and Sean 6.
Boraughmuir High School (Scotland), IUSB Bachelors in Social Studies, World History, U.S. History, Government, Geography
Why did you become a teacher?
To give back to the Country that has given me so much, namely allowing me to become a citizen in 2003. One of the proudest days in my life.
Your Comments:
"I am so excited to be teaching at PHS! The school feels like a family where both staff and pupils are nurtured to succeed! I believe firmly in the principle, “By Example, We Lead” and hope to foster this in the children I teach. "
Tuesday, September 13, 2005
New Teacher Biography - Elizabeth (Holmes) Miller
Elizabeth Miller
4th Grade Teacher at Menominee Elementary
Elizabeth is married and has one daughter who attends Webster Elementary.
Graduate of Indiana University, South Bend, May 2004
Why did you become a teacher?
I became a teacher to inspire a life-long love of learning in students. My goal is to encourage students to achieve their personal best in all they do.
Sunday, September 11, 2005
Thank You!!!
Friday, September 09, 2005
New Teacher Biography - James E. Radican
James E. Radican - Social Studies at PHS
James’ wife is Tammie and she is a Special Education teacher at LaVille High School. James and Tammie have two children, Christian 10, and Ian 8.
Bremen Senior High School, class of 1983
Ball State University, Bachelors Degree in 1988
Indiana University South Bend, working toward his Masters Degree in ESL
Why did you become a teacher?
Outside of family, teachers have made the greatest impact in my life. Teachers in both public education and religious instruction have been my role models. I have respected the profession and admire those that excel in the field.
Thursday, September 08, 2005
Welcome to the Blogosphere!
Wednesday, September 07, 2005
New Teacher Biography - MaryPat Glaub
Mary Pat Glaub - Choral Director at PHS
MaryPat's husband is John, they have been married for 28 years and have five children, Carrie 27, Patrick 26, Chris 24, Anthony 18, and John 15. Mary and John also have one grandchild, Elija 15 months.
Bachelors and Masters at Indiana University
Why did you become a teacher?
I want to share my love of music and give students positive musical experiences that will last a lifetime.
Your Comments:
It’s great to be back in the classroom!!
Blog Bits
Blueberry Festival
We wish to thank all staff members, parents, friends of the school district, and students who assisted with the various projects during the blueberry festival. Your efforts provide valuable resources for school organizations during the coming year.
School Board Highlights
The board met in regular session on September 1, 2005. Highlights of the meeting are as follows:
~ The board approved monthly claims and personnel items.
~ An agreement with Cyberlink for Internet service was tabled for further information.
~ A hearing was conducted on an additional appropriation for the technology fund. At the conclusion of the hearing, a resolution was adopted approving the appropriation.
~ The 2006 Budget, 2006 Capital Projects Plan, and the 2006 Transportation Plan were approved.
~ The board approved a list of revised and new policies recommended as a result of legislative changes.
~ The board approved the use of Menominee school for the balloon launch by the Blueberry Festival Committee.
~The board approved several transfer tuition student requests.
~The board heard a facility update and approved affidavits for payment on the construction project.
The next board meeting will be held on September 15, 2005 at 7:00 p.m. in the Washington Elementary cafeteria.
Construction Update
At Washington, Webster, Lincoln, and Menominee schools, the contractors are completing the items on the punch lists. Principals have also been contacting the construction manager with unresolved issues in their buildings.
At Jefferson Elementary the contractors are now building the load-bearing masonry walls. Electricians and plumbers are following-up with rough-in work.
At Plymouth High School the music wing is nearing completion. Carpeting will be installed at the end of the week of September 5th. The contractors are developing the roadway and constructing sidewalks around the music wing. The roofing over the new multipurpose room wing is nearing completion. Target date for occupation of the music wing is October 1st. The target date for the use of the remodeled cafeteria is November 1st. December 31st is the completion date for the remainder of the project.
At the new elementary school, the construction of the load-bearing walls continues in section A. The gymnasium, boiler room, cafeteria, art room, and music room walls have been completed. The contractors are currently working on the outside walls of the Kindergarten rooms. All foundations in the building will have been installed by September 26th.
Thursday, September 01, 2005
What is DIBELS?
The measures were developed upon the essential early literacy domains discussed in both the National Reading Panel (2000) and National Research Council (1998) reports to assess student development of phonological awareness, alphabetic understanding, and automaticity and fluency with the code. Each measure has been thoroughly researched and demonstrated to be reliable and valid indicators of early literacy development and predictive of later reading proficiency to aid in the early identification of students who are not progressing as expected. When used as recommended, the results can be used to evaluate individual student development as well as provide grade-level feedback toward validated instructional objectives.
In the next few weeks parents will receive a letter explaining how their child performed on the assessment. More importantly they will receive the school’s plans to meet the individual student needs.
Tuesday, August 30, 2005
Bobby Byers, 5th grade student at Menominee Elementary, was one of the speakers at the United Way Kickoff Luncheon. Bobby represented the Marshall County Boys & Girls Club and the students at Menominee. He explained the importance of his membership in the Boys & Girls Club to him and his family. He asked those in the audience to support the Boys & Girls Club by giving to the United Way. We encourage each of you to help Bobby by participating in this year’s United Way campaign. “Step up to the plate, it’s what works.”
Field Trips
Some have contacted our office about the cost of field trips. An electronic field trip may cost anywhere from zero to $200. Many zoos and museums offer electronic field trips. The CILC in Indiana provides a catalog of available electronic field trips. Live field trips involve the cost of drivers, fuel, maintenance, etc. Our drivers receive $20.30 as a two hour minimum, plus $10.15 per hour thereafter. Maintenance costs on our buses are approximately $.24 per mile. Our present fuel price is $1.98 per gallon. Busses average about six miles per gallon. We greatly appreciate those individuals and organizations who have expressed interest in supporting our field trip programs during these times.
Corporation Website
Specific information about our schools and the district is available on the corporation website. Amy Pratt is the Administration Building webmaster. Members of Janice Curtis’ computer application class have developed the building websites.
Friday, August 26, 2005
Construction Update
Webster, Washington, and Lincoln Junior High
Contractors are following-up on punch list items that were created by the architect or reported by building principals to the construction manager. This process will continue for the next few weeks.
Plymouth High School
The cabinetry is being installed in the instrument and uniform storage areas. The rough-in plumbing in the new restrooms of the music wing has been completed. Masons are following right behind. The sidewalks and curbs are being installed around the music wing. The new west entrance has been secured with new doors. The steel joists over the multi-purpose room were installed this morning. The roofers will complete the roof over the music wing and then move to the multi-purpose wing. Mechanical and plumbing contractors will continue their work throughout both wings. The new speech practice rooms have been dry walled and are scheduled for painting tomorrow. The installation of cabinetry in the costume storage area has been completed. During the next two week period floor covering, lighting fixtures, and ceiling pads will be installed in that area. The broadcasting area has been framed. Electricians are completing the electrical rough ins.
Jefferson Elementary
The plumbing and electrical rough-ins have been completed. The masons are scheduled to mobilize next week.
New Elementary
The contractors are pouring footers and installing foundation walls in Section B, the classroom area. Masons are continuing to build walls in Section A.
This reminder – the south parking lot at Plymouth High School will be closed Saturday for re-lining.
Thursday, August 25, 2005
National Commission on Writing
1. Every state should revisit its education standards to make sure they include a comprehensive writing policy that doubles the amount of time and resources devoted to writing while requiring a writing plan in every school.
2. State policy should require teacher education programs to provide instruction in writing theory and practice for all prospective teachers.
3. State policy should also require a writing plan in every school, insist that writing be taught in all subjects and at all grade levels, and require courses in teaching writing for all prospective teachers.
4. Assessment of students must go beyond multiple-choice, machine-scorable items to include requirements that students actually produce a piece of prose during the assessment.
Plymouth seems to be on the right track!
Wednesday, August 24, 2005
Work is scheduled to begin tommorrow on the repair of the Scoccerplex stadium. The projected completion of the repairs is eight work days.
Kindergarten ELL students began their extended day program this morning. Students who require assistance with language skills qualify for the program. Our staff is highly successful in helping students aquire the level of skills required for successful school experience.
High School Parking Lot
Tuesday, August 23, 2005
It's very important that all children are present during the testing days as the school is not only judged on the results of the test, but also with the percentage of students who take ISTEP.
If you have questions or concerns about any aspect of the ISTEP testing process, don't hesitate to call your building principal.
PHS Richard Tobias 936-2178
LJHS John McNeil 936-3113
Jefferson Paula Neidlinger 936-2443
Menominee Melody Kruger 936-3787
Washington Michelle Riise 936-4072
Webster Donna Burroughs 936-2520
Monday, August 22, 2005
Plymouth Community Schools Recognized
To be recognized in Standard & Poors Analytical Report, the districts must serve all grades K-12, enroll 30 students on average, per student sub group being compared per grade, reduce the achievement gap in overall reading and math proficiency rates by at least five percentage points between 2002-2003, and 2003-2004 school years, and simultaneously raise the reading and math proficiency rates in both the sub groups being compared over the same period.
“Closing the achievement gap is one of the most persistent challenges in American education today” said William Cox, executive managing editor of Standard & Poors evaluation services. Given the complex nature and extreme difficulty in closing these gaps, Standard & Poors believes its important to pay tribute to those districts that have made progress in this area.
Congratulations to all staff for your efforts.
Opening Week
Anne Gasway is teaching English at Plymouth High School.
Grant Masson, Robyn Keller, and James Radican are all working in our Social Studies department at Plymouth High School.
Eric Doades is the new choir teacher at Lincoln Junior High.
Cathy Deardorf is serving as the new assistant principal at Plymouth High School.
Many teachers, custodians, teaching assistants, principals, have worked extremely hard in preparing for the opening of school. Thank you to all who contributed to making the opening a success.
Friday, August 12, 2005
Construction Update
The contractors have committed to having buildings ready when school begins next week.
Lincoln Junior High
A fence will be placed around the transformer. Some walls need patching next to the dry food areas. Vinyl floor covering will be installed in the cafeteria office. The case work will be set in room A142. The ceiling grid and case work in the nurse’s office will be installed tomorrow.
Webster Elementary
Techs will be on site today to start up the air handling units in the new classrooms. The wood trim will be installed today.
Washington Elementary
The seeding of the area around the school will begin on Saturday. The stucco soffit on the canopy will be finished today. The fence around the gas meter will be installed on Saturday. Vinyl floor tiling in the kitchen area will be completed today. The rails for the cafeteria will be delivered today and installed shortly thereafter. The air conditioning units in the new classrooms will be charged and started up today. The contractors have guaranteed air conditioning for the entire building at 7:00 a.m. Monday morning. The architect will be conducting walk-throughs to create a punch list today and next week.
Plymouth High School
The installation of case work is taking place in the new music wing. Repairs will be made on the northeast parking lot over the weekend. That area will not be available for cars.
Reminder, all staff members should park in the parking lot between the administration building and the high school for the first day on August 16th. Entry to the high school can be made through the southeast doors.
The next construction meeting will be Thursday, August 18, 2005.
Tuesday, August 09, 2005
Why the Migrant Work Survey?
The state receives federal dollars for the Title I, Part C Migrant Grant. We receive money from this grant to help pay for migrant education during the school year and the summer. This year the amount of money that Indiana received from the federal government decreased from the amount of money we received last year even though we have more students. Why? Well, as a state, we are not doing a good job of documenting the migrant students in our schools.
By definition, a migrant student is one whose family moves to a new community looking for or securing a job in the field of agriculture. By this definition anyone who moves to Plymouth for a job at Del Monte, Pioneer Seed, Dean Pickles, or Ready Pac could qualify for migrant grant dollars.
Since Plymouth has hundreds of employees working in agricultural businesses, our migrant numbers should be higher than they are. Hopefully, the completion of the work survey will help identify students who qualify.
So, why does the federal government give money to schools to help educate migrant students? Migrant students often start the school year in one school and move to several other schools throughout the same year. This disruption in education is a looming factor in poor grades, retention, failure, and drop-outs. Identifying these students and helping them make this transition from one school to the next is costly, but very important for their educational needs.
As state support decreases we have to look for every possible source of income that we can find. If we can do a better job of identifying migrant students in our school, we can look for additional dollars in the future.
Construction Update
The footers and foundation walls are completed. Plumbers and electricians are in the process of installing the plumbing and electrical rough-ins.
Menominee Elementary – the vinyl tile has been installed in the new science room. The installation of the lockers has begun. The installation of carpet in the new music room began this morning. Once the carpet is installed, the vinyl mop board will be put in place in all rooms. Menominee, for the most part, is completed. We have possession of all the rooms except the new music room.
Washington Elementary – Carpet has been installed in both of the new special education rooms. Workers are installing the tile in the cafeteria. The ceiling grid is going up in the storage room, the nurse’s office and conference room. Electricians are installing light fixtures. Plumbers have installed most of the fixtures with the exception of the sinks in the nurse’s office and the special ed rooms. Once the installation of the tile is completed in the cafeteria, the carpet in the hallways, teacher work room and lobby will be installed. The plastering in the overhang is being completed this week.
Lincoln Junior High – Punch lists have been developed for the band and choir room. Final hook-ups are being made in the kitchen. The final preparation of wall board is being completed in the new nurse’s office. Painting will begin tomorrow. Ceiling grid will also be installed tomorrow in the nurse’s office. Cabinetry will be installed late this week in Miss Gilbert’s room and in the nurse’s office.
Plymouth High School – Workers are completing the masonry in the north entrance. Concrete is scheduled to be poured late this week in that area. Cabinetry is being installed in the music wing. Electrical rough-ins are in process in the new broadcast classroom, the speech practice rooms, and the music wing. Possession of rooms in the music wing will begin in mid to late September with all being occupied by October 1st.
The New Building Site – Work continues on the installation of footers, foundation walls, and block masonry walls. The water line and sanitary sewer are being installed at this time
Wednesday, July 27, 2005
Construction Update
At Washington Elementary, 80% of the drywall is up. Many of those walls have been mudded, painted, and covered with vinyl. The rough-in plumbing is completed. Ceiling grids are scheduled to be installed next week with case work and carpeting to follow. Tile is being installed in the cafeteria as of this writing. Plumbing and electrical hook-ups in the kitchen area will be completed this week. The clean-up and sanitizing of the kitchen area will follow shortly thereafter. The project is expected to be ready for the opening of school.
At Lincoln Junior High, the music and choir room are 95% completed. We are awaiting the delivery of lockers for the locker room. The kitchen hook-ups will be completed this week. The rough-in plumbing in the nurses office has been completed. The construction of the new walls in that area has begun. Sanitation and clean-up of all areas will be completed by the end of next week. The installation of the tile in the cafeteria area will be completed today. All areas are scheduled to be completed for the opening of school.
At Webster Elementary, the Fritz tile is being installed this week. Final clean-up begins next week. The addition is scheduled to be ready for opening day.
At Plymouth High School, the outside work on the music wing is nearing completion. All rooms have had the block filler applied. Two of the rooms have received a final coat of paint. Installation of ceiling grid began today. Casework stored in the hallways will be moved to the music rooms next week. The rooms will not be available on opening day; they will become available one at a time with the total wing available no later than October 1st. Mr. Tobias had anticipated this problem and has worked on an alternative room schedule. During the next week, sidewalks around the music wing will be installed. Part of the north parking lot will be undergoing asphalt repairs and sealing next week.
At Menominee Elementary, carpet in the new music room and vinyl floor covering in the science lab will be installed next week. Lockers are to be delivered August 8th. The wall coverings are to be installed next week. All inside work at Menominee is scheduled to be completed prior to the beginning of school. The addition to the parking lot will take place after the beginning of the school year.
At Jefferson Elementary, the floor covering in the current Kindergarten and first grade rooms will be installed next week. Mrs. Holloway’s first grade room will have no windows during the coming year, the old windows were blocked in and became part of the wall for the new addition. When the project is completed, there will be new windows in the west wall of the room. The relocation of utilities has been completed. The building pad is in place. The installation of footers and foundation walls will begin next week.
At the new elementary school, all the exterior footers and foundation walls have been completed in Section A. The masons are building the exterior walls. They have started in the northeast corner and will work toward the southwest. The installation of the water line has begun.
The northeast parking lot at Plymouth High School will be unavailable due to construction the week of August 1st.
Tuesday, July 12, 2005
Free Breakfast and Lunch
After the first five days we have averaged feeding 70 children for breakfast and 125 children for lunch.
Friday, July 01, 2005
Construction Update
The focus of this meeting was Phase I.
Lincoln Junior High
The kitchen equipment has been set up. The process of hooking up the equipment has begun. The ceiling tile has been installed in the music and choir rooms. The wall and floor tile has been installed in the new locker room. The demolition has been completed at that site. The process of hanging new doors has begun. All the roofs have been installed. The music and choir room case work has been delivered and the binder coat is in place in the parking lot.
During the next two weeks the installation of the kitchen equipment will be completed. The ceiling tile will be installed in the kitchen area. The underground plumbing rough-ins will be completed in the new nurse’s office and teacher work room. The floor coverings in the music and choir area will be installed. The casework will be installed in the music and choir areas. The final coat of asphalt will be applied in the parking lot. The acoustic wall panels will be installed in the music area.
Washington Elementary
During the past two weeks the curbs and sidewalks have been installed. The canopy steel has been erected. The aluminum frames for doors have been installed and exterior doors are now in place. The vinyl wall covering in the cafeteria is installed. The kitchen equipment has been delivered and is set in place. The new quarter walls are up in the renovation area. The masonry piers on each side of the new stage opening have been completed. The fire alarm is 90% completed. The plumbing underground in the renovation area has been started.
During the next two weeks the paving will be completed with the stoning of the driveway on June 30. The masons will complete work on the canopy. All of the kitchen equipment will be installed and plumbed. The casework in the new computer and music rooms will be installed. Vinyl wall coverings in the computer lab will be applied. Ceiling grid will be put in place in the north addition. A steel beam will be set in the stage opening in the gym. All doors in the north addition will be hung. The underground plumbing rough-in will be completed and all new walls in the renovated area will be dry walled.
Webster Elementary
During the last two weeks the shingling of the roof has been completed. The quarry tile in the restrooms is installed and the insulation is currently being installed.
During the next two weeks the final coat of asphalt will be put in place. The casework will be set in both classrooms. The ceiling grid will be put in place. Carpet and other floor coverings will be installed. The doors will be hung. The toilets, fixtures, and partitions will be set. All hookups to the boiler will be completed and the ceiling tile will be put in place.
Plymouth High School
During the past two weeks the roof over the music wing is now completed. The brick washing and caulking in the music wing has been completed. The east and west walls of the multipurpose room has been completed. The south multi-purpose room wall is started. The joists and decking has been set over the hallway and the weight room in the multipurpose room wing. Interior demolition at the high school is underway. The power at the high school is currently shut down and should be restarted Friday afternoon, July 1st. All casework for the music wing is on site.
During the next two weeks the metal siding on the music wing will be installed. Windows in the music room will be put in place. Painting of the music wing rooms will be completed. The roof over the mezzanine area will be installed. The air handling units in the music wing will be rolled onto the pad. The south multipurpose room wall will be completed. The steel over the mezzanine in the multipurpose room will be installed. The entrance to the music wing will be completed.
Site improvements: The installation of curbs and sidewalks will begin.
Internet and email services should resume either July 6 or 7, 2005, for the district.
The next construction meeting will be July 7, 2005.
Sunday, June 26, 2005
High School Summit
We would encourage both high school and junior high teachers to attend the summit next year. As high schools are reshaped to meet the demands of the future, collaboration of this high caliber is something our educators can't miss.
Wednesday, June 22, 2005
What is in a Name?
Cyrus Taber,
John Baptist De La Salle,
Otis Bowen,
and Riverside.
Please share your suggested name for the building.
Tuesday, June 21, 2005
Board Highlights
Thursday, June 16, 2005
Construction Update
During the next two week period:
Lincoln Junior High
The kitchen equipment will be installed. The installation of the ceiling tile will be completed in the kitchen, the choir room, and the music room. Acoustical wall tiles will be hung in the choir room and music room. The floor covering will be installed in the choir room and music room. Tile will be installed in the locker room. The ceiling grid will be put in place in the locker room area. The blacktopping will be completed at this site. The renovation of the current teacher work room into a new nurse’s office will begin today. The case work will be set in the music and choir room. The roof will be installed over the dry storage area; once that is completed, the quarry tile will be laid in the dry storage area.
Washington Elementary
The front entrance will be completed. The vinyl wall covering will be put in place on the bulkhead in the cafeteria. The kitchen equipment will be delivered next Tuesday. Installation will begin immediately. The studs and drywall in the renovated area will be installed. The ceiling grid will be put in place in the music room and choir room. A steel beam will be set in the wall that separates the gym and music room. Curbs and sidewalks will be installed.
Webster Elementary
The shingling of the roof will be completed by Tuesday. Quarry tile will be installed in the restrooms. Ceiling grid and insulation will be installed. The blacktopping will take place next week.
Plymouth High School
The finish studs on the music wing will be completed. Siding and insulation will begin immediately thereafter. The roof will be completed in the music wing. Windows will be installed in the music wing. The painting will begin in the music wing. Masonry work will continue in the multi-purpose wing. Steel will be set over the weight room. Site improvements will continue, especially the road which will go to the west of the new music room. Interior demolition will begin on Monday.
Jefferson Elementary
Utilities will be relocated. The installation of the footers and foundations will begin.
Menominee Elementary
Demolition for the new band room will take place. The construction of the new walls will begin.
New Elementary School
The installation of footers and foundations will begin.
The week of June 27th there will be no power at the high school.
The next construction meeting will be Thursday, June 23, 2005.
Monday, June 13, 2005
Construction Update
At the site of the new building, the pad has been brought to grade level. During the next two weeks the installation of footers and foundation will begin. The entrance road will be brought to grade and aggregate will be laid down. The northeast parking lot will be developed as a lay down area for contractors.
At Jefferson, the footprint of the building has been surveyed. The relocation of utilities has begun. During the next two week period, those tasks will be completed. Demolition work will begin in room B128 and B121.
At Menominee, contractors will begin building the new walls. During the next two week period the electrical contractor will be moving lights in those areas.
At Lincoln, the kitchen equipment will arrive Monday. Installation will take place shortly thereafter. Light fixtures will be installed during the next two week period. General clean-up in the music and choir rooms will begin. Installation of plumbing will begin to take place in the new nurse’s office.
At Webster, the installation of heating and cooling units will be completed. Shingles will be applied to the roof.
At Washington, the light fixtures will be installed in the cafeteria. The construction of the new walls of the teacher work room and Special Ed rooms will begin. Installation of heating and cooling units in the new music room and computer lab will begin.
At Plymouth High School, the brick will be applied to the music room. The heating and cooling unit will be placed on the mezzanine area. Roofing materials will be applied to the music area. The erection of walls will continue in the multi-purpose wing. Demolition will be taking place in the old cafeteria and choir areas.
There was some wind damage to the north wall of the weight room. The insurance adjustors have been on site and have approved repair of that area.
The next meeting is scheduled for Thursday, June 16, 2005.
Friday, May 27, 2005
Construction Update
Washington- Demolition of the old cafeteria, kitchen, and nurse's office will begin on Tuesday. There will be periodic shut off of utilities in parts of the building during the month of June. The front entrance will not be available during the month of June. The projected completion date is June 30.
Webster- The ceiling grid will be installed, roof shingled, heating and cooling units installed, cabinetry installed, and sidewalks constructed during the next two weeks. Projected completion date is June 30.
Lincoln - Demolition in the teacher work room will take place next week. The kitchen equipment will be installed, kitchen flooring completed, ceiling grid installed in the music and choir rooms during the next two weeks. Completion date is mid- July.
PHS- Roofs will be installed in the new music wing. Plumbing and electrical work will be taking place throughout the north end of the building. The north entrance will not be available until the beginning of the next school year. Construction of walls in the multipurpose wing will be taking place throughout the summer. Demolition in the cafeteria will begin next week.
Jefferson - Blacktop and vegetation will be removed at the south end of the building. The relocation of utilities will begin next week. There will be periodic shut off of utilities throughout the months of June and July. All cars should park in the lot north of the baseball diamond.
Board Highlights
Susie Clevenger shared the successes of the students at the alternative school during the past school year.
A report on the Education to Careers Program at Plymouth High School was given by Michelle Tanner and Don Gandy. Michal Beguin shared her experiences as a participant in the internship program.
Dick Tobias updated the board on the status of the drug testing program at the high school.
The board designated Menominee Elementary as the name of the new building. The 5th/6th grade building will be named in the near future.
The next board meeting will be held at 6:00 PM on June 2nd in the administration building.
Thursday, May 19, 2005
New State Budget and PCSC
The legislature has also made provisions to raise monies to cover the state’s share of free and reduced textbook support which the state has been unable to pay, increased costs in utilities, liability and casualty insurance, and recover the loss of state aid in the transportation fund. These amounts total $209,339.00 in 2006 and $384,974.00 in 2007. The funding mechanism is to raise property taxes at the local level.
These projections indicate that the board is on target with the adoption of its spending reduction strategy.
The budget bill is an emergency act which means its provisions go into effect immediately upon signature by the governor. There are several other provisions included in the budget bill; among those is the restricted use of academic honors diploma monies. Our board of trustees is no longer allowed to give those monies to students. Those dollars must be used to fund and support programs.
The enactment of the new state budget leaves us with mixed feelings. We understand the severe financial circumstances the state faces. We have faced similar circumstances for the past four years. We are grateful to our legislators for providing the extra resources. Although some say that this budget was accomplished without raising taxes, in fact, we may see one of the largest increases in property taxes in recent history.
Tuesday, May 17, 2005
Construction Update
During the next few weeks:
At Lincoln, the ceiling grid will be completed in the kitchen. The installation of the quarry tile, exhaust hoods, and light fixtures in the kitchen area will be completed. The foundation and masonry for the dry food storage area will be completed. The drywall will be finished and painted in the music and choir rooms. The ceiling grid in the music and choir rooms will be installed. The ceiling will be plastered in the new locker room.
At Washington, the ceiling grid, light fixtures, exhaust hoods, and quarry tile will be installed in the kitchen. Drywall will be laid in the bulk head in the cafeteria. The windows will be installed in both additions. New aluminum entrances into the cafeteria area will be installed.
At Webster, the interior masonry will be completed. Walls will be painted. The parameter fascia and soffit and gutters will be installed. The roof will be shingled. The ceiling grid and light fixtures will be installed throughout. The aluminum entrances will be put in place.
At PHS in the new music wing, the block walls will be completed, the bricking will begin, all the floors will be poured, the mezzanine steel will be set, and the construction of the roof will begin. The masons will continue to block in the multi purpose room.
At the new elementary site, grading will begin and the pad will be established for the new building.
At the conclusion of the last teacher day, the demolition of the walls in the cafeteria and kitchen area will begin at Washington elementary. The relocation of utilities at Jefferson Elementary will take place. The grading for the new parking lot at Menominee will begin. The demolition of the stage area in the cafeteria at the high school will begin.
The next construction meeting will be next Thursday, May 26, 2005 at 9:00 a.m.
Blog Shorts
On May 5th the Plymouth High School FFA held their end-of-the-year banquet. Several FFA members were honored for their awards earned during the year. New officers were installed. Congratulations to Mr. McCollough and the FFA officers for an outstanding program
Friday, May 13, 2005
Board Highlights
Bruce Hite reviewed the work that the maintenance department will be doing this summer in addition to the construction that is underway.
The Board heard a report from Dave Miller, Ron Liechty and Brent Martin about outlining the technology initiative being developed in the Plymouth community.
Elementary textbook fees for the 2005-2006 school year were adopted.
The next school board meeting will be on May 26, 2005, at Plymouth High School.
Monday, May 02, 2005
Rights and Responsibilities
The delays in the construction of Option K facilities will cost the taxpayers an average of $356,287.12 a year for the next 16 years. This is .0413 on the current tax rate.
During the delay:
Construction costs rose from $19,916,375 to $24,367,707.
Soft costs decreased from $5,628,625 to $5,627,793.
The value of bonds sold increased from $25,545,000 to $29,995,000.
Interest rose from $14,646,971 to $15,896,565.
Total debt service increased from $40,190,971 to $45,891,565.
The total increased cost in dollars is $5,700,594. There is an additional cost of educating students in inappropriate facilities for the last two years.
We defend the right of individuals to question and delay the project. We hold them responsible for their actions which resulted in 14.46% increased costs.
Sunday, May 01, 2005
May 1 - May 7, Teacher Appreciation Week
Our yearly Teacher Appreciation Dinner will be held Tuesday evening in the Menominee cafeteria. We will honor this year's retirees at approximately 4:45 PM.
Meet Our New Director of Nursing
An Evening with Dr. Suellen Reed
Free Graduate Hours
Wednesday, April 27, 2005
Great Concert
Friday, April 22, 2005
Blog Shorts
Donna Burroughs, Tana Houin, and Sue Lowe presented at the NCA National Conference earlier this week. Their presentation was entitled, "Writing for All? Taking the First Steps." We should all be proud of their efforts to spread their knowledge to other schools across the nation. Fourteen other teachers and administrators attended the three-day conference and gathered ideas to help develop school improvement plans.
Writing Summit
Twenty-one teachers and administrators from all PCSC schools gathered last week to standardize some language and procedures in writing. Their efforts will strengthen the writing program as students move from elementary schools, to the 5/6 building, to the junior high, and to the high school. Accomplishments included the adoption of the 6-Traits writing rubric, the adoption of a standardized writing process, and the determination that all schools will hold all-school writes at the beginning of the year and the end of the year.
Academic Superbowl
The junior high Academic Superbowl Squad did a great job at Columbia City's middle school last week. The team finished first in science, first in math, one point out of first in language arts, and second place overall. Great job!
The Business Professionals of America departed yesterday for their national competition. Along with Nate Pearson being elected as BPA State President, our students continue to represent Plymouth in an outstanding fashion.