Thursday, September 29, 2005


Welcome to the blog-o-sphere! The Plymouth High School Speech and Debate teams have created a blog that currently contains a calendar of all speech events. In the near future, the blog will have a weekly update with information on practices and tournaments. Welcome to the world of blogging!!

New Facility News
The district will occupy the new music wing at Plymouth High School next week. From October 3rd to October 7th, equipment will be moved into the new areas. Classes will begin meeting in the new areas on October 10th. The target date for moving in to the remodeled cafeteria is November 1st.

What is in a name?
Fourth and fifth grade students are having an opportunity to be involved in recommending a name for the 5/6 building. Some of the names that have been suggested from students are Pilgrim School, Liberty Intermediate, Centennial Intermediate, Harrison Intermediate, Plymouth Intermediate, Patriot Intermediate, Independence Intermediate, Hoosier Intermediate, Sally Ride Intermediate, Christa McAuliffe Intermediate,Reagan Intermediate, Kennedy Intermediate, Plymouth Rock Intermediate, Franklin Intermediate, Roosevelt Intermediate, Lewis & Clark Intermediate, Rockie Intermediate, Mayflower Intermediate, Riverside Intermediate, Marshall Intermediate, Tecumsah Intermediate, Potawatomee Intermediate, and Horris Corbin Intermediate. These suggestions are in addition to those that many of you have submitted.

As part of the naming process, students will also be involved in identifying a mascot, school motto, newspaper name, and yearbook name.

For those of you who enjoy satire and wish to keep abreast of educational happenings in Indiana and around the country, we invite you to read the Super's Blog. The link is located on the right side of this page.

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