Friday, April 22, 2005

Blog Shorts

Donna Burroughs, Tana Houin, and Sue Lowe presented at the NCA National Conference earlier this week. Their presentation was entitled, "Writing for All? Taking the First Steps." We should all be proud of their efforts to spread their knowledge to other schools across the nation. Fourteen other teachers and administrators attended the three-day conference and gathered ideas to help develop school improvement plans.

Writing Summit
Twenty-one teachers and administrators from all PCSC schools gathered last week to standardize some language and procedures in writing. Their efforts will strengthen the writing program as students move from elementary schools, to the 5/6 building, to the junior high, and to the high school. Accomplishments included the adoption of the 6-Traits writing rubric, the adoption of a standardized writing process, and the determination that all schools will hold all-school writes at the beginning of the year and the end of the year.

Academic Superbowl
The junior high Academic Superbowl Squad did a great job at Columbia City's middle school last week. The team finished first in science, first in math, one point out of first in language arts, and second place overall. Great job!

The Business Professionals of America departed yesterday for their national competition. Along with Nate Pearson being elected as BPA State President, our students continue to represent Plymouth in an outstanding fashion.


Anonymous said...

The high school superbowl team did just as well if not better....why no mention of them?

Dan and Rodger said...

We would love to write about the high school team. Please email the results to the office. It sounds like they did a great job. We're anxious to see the results!

Anonymous said...

The class should graduate TOGETHER. Wearing the same cap and gowns. Military distinction can be shown by wearing the red, white and blue cords; similar to the other distinctions we will see that evening. They are a class of high school graduates.