Thursday, September 22, 2005

Career Readiness

As a part of the high school's career readiness program, approximately 200 juniors participated in a mass job-shadow the last three days.

Mrs. Michelle Tanner handled the majority of the work load at the high school's end and deserves accolades for her tenatious approach to making the first mass job-shadow successful. Her job included working with students and their occupational desires, contacting businesses, and then organizing the students to be out of school one of the three days that ISTEP was being given to freshmen and sophomores.

A follow-up thank you letter from the students will be sent and feedback from each student will be examined so plans for next year's juniors can be initated.

A big thank you goes out from the school corporation to Mrs. Tanner and all of the businesses who took part in this very meaningful day. This is the type of partnership that helps students get a first-hand look at a carrer they are choosing. It also helps students focus on jobs in Plymouth and Marshall County to help eliminate part of the brain-drain.

More can be read about this in the South Bend Tribune as Mrs. Ida Chipman is preparing a story. Thank you Marshall County for all you do to help children!

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