Friday, May 27, 2005

Board Highlights

The Board of Trustees met in regular session last evening at Plymouth High School.

Susie Clevenger shared the successes of the students at the alternative school during the past school year.

A report on the Education to Careers Program at Plymouth High School was given by Michelle Tanner and Don Gandy. Michal Beguin shared her experiences as a participant in the internship program.

Dick Tobias updated the board on the status of the drug testing program at the high school.

The board designated Menominee Elementary as the name of the new building. The 5th/6th grade building will be named in the near future.

The next board meeting will be held at 6:00 PM on June 2nd in the administration building.


Anonymous said...

Her name is spelled Michal!

Anonymous said...

The program is called Education to Careers

Dan and Rodger said...

Corrections have been made.