Tuesday, December 13, 2005

Blog Bits

Redistricting Comments
Some have asked why is redistricting of the elementary schools necessary? We currently have elementary schools of four different sizes. One is over 500, one over 400, one in the mid 300s and one in the high 200s.

Next year, all elementaries will be approximately the same size. This alone will require redistricting in order to balance the size of buildings.

Since all students in grades 5-12 will be assigned to the same building, those buildings reflect the makeup of the school district. It is important the elementary buildings students attend reflect the school community. This requires that we redistrict in such a way that the buildings are balanced for socioeconomics and ethnicity.

Town Hall Meeting #2
Dr. McKibben presented his latest proposal for redistricting. Members of the community have made several suggestions. Dr. McKibben will use the input to design new scenarios.

Three future town hall meetings will be scheduled. Two will be held on January 16th and one on January 17th. The exact times and locations will be announced at a later date.

Some have emailed and thought that the maps being presented represented final decisions. This is a work in progress.

It is important, as a community member, that you attend those meetings and share your ideas.

Thank you to PASS and the staff at Washington Elementary for hosting last evening’s meeting.

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