Tuesday, August 30, 2005


United Way

Bobby Byers, 5th grade student at Menominee Elementary, was one of the speakers at the United Way Kickoff Luncheon. Bobby represented the Marshall County Boys & Girls Club and the students at Menominee. He explained the importance of his membership in the Boys & Girls Club to him and his family. He asked those in the audience to support the Boys & Girls Club by giving to the United Way. We encourage each of you to help Bobby by participating in this year’s United Way campaign. “Step up to the plate, it’s what works.”

Field Trips

Some have contacted our office about the cost of field trips. An electronic field trip may cost anywhere from zero to $200. Many zoos and museums offer electronic field trips. The CILC in Indiana provides a catalog of available electronic field trips. Live field trips involve the cost of drivers, fuel, maintenance, etc. Our drivers receive $20.30 as a two hour minimum, plus $10.15 per hour thereafter. Maintenance costs on our buses are approximately $.24 per mile. Our present fuel price is $1.98 per gallon. Busses average about six miles per gallon. We greatly appreciate those individuals and organizations who have expressed interest in supporting our field trip programs during these times.

Corporation Website

Specific information about our schools and the district is available on the corporation website. Amy Pratt is the Administration Building webmaster. Members of Janice Curtis’ computer application class have developed the building websites.


Anonymous said...

Bobby Byers (5th Grade)

Dan and Rodger said...

Thank you