Friday, July 01, 2005

Construction Update

A construction meeting was held on June 30, 2005 @ 9:00 a.m.

The focus of this meeting was Phase I.

Lincoln Junior High
The kitchen equipment has been set up. The process of hooking up the equipment has begun. The ceiling tile has been installed in the music and choir rooms. The wall and floor tile has been installed in the new locker room. The demolition has been completed at that site. The process of hanging new doors has begun. All the roofs have been installed. The music and choir room case work has been delivered and the binder coat is in place in the parking lot.

During the next two weeks the installation of the kitchen equipment will be completed. The ceiling tile will be installed in the kitchen area. The underground plumbing rough-ins will be completed in the new nurse’s office and teacher work room. The floor coverings in the music and choir area will be installed. The casework will be installed in the music and choir areas. The final coat of asphalt will be applied in the parking lot. The acoustic wall panels will be installed in the music area.

Washington Elementary
During the past two weeks the curbs and sidewalks have been installed. The canopy steel has been erected. The aluminum frames for doors have been installed and exterior doors are now in place. The vinyl wall covering in the cafeteria is installed. The kitchen equipment has been delivered and is set in place. The new quarter walls are up in the renovation area. The masonry piers on each side of the new stage opening have been completed. The fire alarm is 90% completed. The plumbing underground in the renovation area has been started.

During the next two weeks the paving will be completed with the stoning of the driveway on June 30. The masons will complete work on the canopy. All of the kitchen equipment will be installed and plumbed. The casework in the new computer and music rooms will be installed. Vinyl wall coverings in the computer lab will be applied. Ceiling grid will be put in place in the north addition. A steel beam will be set in the stage opening in the gym. All doors in the north addition will be hung. The underground plumbing rough-in will be completed and all new walls in the renovated area will be dry walled.

Webster Elementary
During the last two weeks the shingling of the roof has been completed. The quarry tile in the restrooms is installed and the insulation is currently being installed.

During the next two weeks the final coat of asphalt will be put in place. The casework will be set in both classrooms. The ceiling grid will be put in place. Carpet and other floor coverings will be installed. The doors will be hung. The toilets, fixtures, and partitions will be set. All hookups to the boiler will be completed and the ceiling tile will be put in place.

Plymouth High School
During the past two weeks the roof over the music wing is now completed. The brick washing and caulking in the music wing has been completed. The east and west walls of the multipurpose room has been completed. The south multi-purpose room wall is started. The joists and decking has been set over the hallway and the weight room in the multipurpose room wing. Interior demolition at the high school is underway. The power at the high school is currently shut down and should be restarted Friday afternoon, July 1st. All casework for the music wing is on site.

During the next two weeks the metal siding on the music wing will be installed. Windows in the music room will be put in place. Painting of the music wing rooms will be completed. The roof over the mezzanine area will be installed. The air handling units in the music wing will be rolled onto the pad. The south multipurpose room wall will be completed. The steel over the mezzanine in the multipurpose room will be installed. The entrance to the music wing will be completed.

Site improvements: The installation of curbs and sidewalks will begin.

Internet and email services should resume either July 6 or 7, 2005, for the district.

The next construction meeting will be July 7, 2005.


Anonymous said...

It is now the 18th of July and there have not been any new updates.
Through the grapevine from a few teacher friends, it is rumored that school may not be starting on time because of the buildings not being ready. Is there any truth to this?

Dan and Rodger said...

School will start as scheduled. Some of the areas at the high school will not be available the first days. Mr. Tobias has developed room schedules in anticipation of this reality.