Wednesday, February 21, 2007

Plymouth Schools are Closed Today

The conditions have not improved enough to transport students this morning. Plymouth Schools are closed today.


Anonymous said...

will this be added on at the end of the year then?

Dan and Rodger said...

A revised summary of make-up days is as follows: April 6, May 25, May 29, and May 30.

Anonymous said...

If we miss a lot of days, can we get a waiver so that we don't have to make them up? Or does that just happen when they are consecutive?

Dan and Rodger said...

Educating children is our business and highest priority. Asking for a waiver is not in the best interest of children.

Anonymous said...

I understand that educating our children and transporting them safely are the main priority of the school board, but at the same time we do live in northern Indiana and the type of weather we've been having is to be expected in this area---having built-in snow days put into the school calendar would be a very wise thing to do.
Some of us have made vacation plans for June and are not able to cancel them.

Anonymous said...

I thank you for thinking of our children before thinking about the negative comments about adding on another make up day. We generally have 2 built in. Sometimes we use them, and sometimes we don't. To you Anonymous, unless you would like to begin school on August 1, or take away days at Christmas or spring break, you need to realize that "because we live in Northern Indiana", we may have to go into June. There are many (albeit, not around Marshall County) schools that go into June and have even lived to tell about it!

Anonymous said...

What good does it do to add on days. All they do at the end of the year for makeup days is watch movies and have parties. That is not educating our children!!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

It's funny how John and Dan believe they know what's best for the children when they are clearly screwing things up left and right for them... when it comes down to it, it's a PARENT'S decision of what's best for the children. Not some egotistic Superintendant that believes he knows what he's doing.

Anonymous said...

Is July 4th a built in snow/fog/flood/heat day?

Anonymous said...

As a parent, I believe Dr. Hill and Mr. Tyree are making the right "educated" decisions. I have to wonder if name calling at 1:30 a.m. is a comment from a parent or a sleep-deprived student! P.S. Having dealt with a public and a private school system in another state, there are many days I am thankful that I relocated to Plymouth.

Anonymous said...

Explain what you mean when you say the word "educated".