Friday, February 16, 2007

Blog Bits

The New 3R’s

Dr. Ernest Morrell is an assistant professor in the Urban Schooling division of the Graduate School of Education and Information Studies at the UCLA. He suggests that the 3 R’s, Reading, Writing, and Arithmetic, are no longer enough. Now, schools must also ensure the fundamentals of the New 3R’s to educate all students in the Information Age. So, what are the New 3R’s? They are Rigor, Relevance, and Relationships.

Rigor is more than memorizing, reciting, and restating. Students must become adept at deep understanding, applying knowledge, solving problems, and analyzing.

Relevance includes relating to student interests and needs, involving them in real-world situations and contexts, and linking them to a global economy and democratic life.

Relationships ensure that each student feels connected, that educators care about students and provide a student-focused environment, and that there is support for struggling students.

Dr. Morrell is one of the new speakers for the HOPE Foundation’s Failure is Not an Option Institute. HOPEfully, we can all agree that in Plymouth Schools Failure is Not an Option!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...
