Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Staggered Early Release

If Jefferson Street is covered Thursday afternoon before school is out, the high school will use a staggered early release. At 2:45 p.m., students who are being picked up, who walk, or who drive will be released and ask to leave campus safely, but quickly. This will allow the student to leave the high school and clear the intersection of Baker and Michigan before the buses leave the school at 3:25 p.m.

The danger we encounter by releasing all at one time is the huge bottle neck of cars and buses using Baker and Michigan. Last year we experienced such back ups that emergency vehicles would have had a difficult time to navigate an emergency on the east side of the river.

Why didn't we use this last year? Quite honestly, we didn't think about it as a possibility. Over the summer we were involved in reflection on the flood, what we did right, and what we did wrong. Keeping kids in school, but safely in school is always our mission.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

lets all go home and stay home until it is back to normal. until the water is completely off of the roads.

i dont like missing school but this is an exception. i guess it is just better to drive during the day than just have no school!!!!!!!!!!!1



thanks Plymouth sophomore