Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Academic Teams Excel

The speech team won another sectional tournament last weekend. Plymouth finished in 1st place with 227 points while Canterbury finished in 2nd place with 64 points and Concord finished in 3rd place with 61 points. Thirty-five entries qualified for the state tournament. Sectional champions included Andy Langdon in Drama and Humor, Ricky Elm and Andy Langdon in Memorized Duo, Cam Robertson in Original Oratory, Rebecca Moberly in International Extemporaneous, Bryt Hiatt in USA Extemporaneous, Chad Griewank in Scripted Duo, Nick Houin in Scripted Duo and Original Performance, Zach Wendt in Poetry, and Declan Fox in Impromptu. The team will compete in the national qualifying tournament this weekend at Plymouth and the following weekend at State in Indianapolis.

The BPA Chapter competed successfully at the State Leadership Conference and now will advance the following students to the National Leadership Conference in Dallas, Texas. Students advancing to the National Leadership Conference include Tom Young and Gage Egierski in Fundamental Accounting, Stephan Baird and Kasey Greer in Payroll Accounting, Stephan Baird in Spreadsheet Analysis, Doug Booth and Ben Kraszyk in Entrepreneurship, Tim Gordon in Extemporaneous Speaking, Doug Booth, Baily Capper, Tim Gordon, and Ben Kraszyk in Small Business Management Team, and Evan Skirvin in Economic Research Project.

Yearbook Orders
Please visit the Plymouth High School website to order your yearbook. New this year is a link to purchase a yearbook and pay with your credit card.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...