Monday, April 11, 2005

Where's Waldo

I remember a decade ago a series of fascinating youth books entitled, Where’s Waldo The book series eventually branched out to games, napkins, paper cups and even neckties. If you liked Where’s Waldo, you may have found Saturday at the Plymouth Library just as exciting. This time let’s call it Where’s Steve, Where’s Vic. Those who didn’t see the small article in the Pilot News this week probably went to the public library Larimore Room at 9:15 and found it empty. This is one might have played Where’s Steve, Where’s Vic.

Representative Steve Heim and Senator Vic Heinold cancelled their 3rd House breakfast, citing reasons of busy schedules. They were also too busy to make an appearance at the rally last weekend at the Indiana Statehouse. We can only hope that our elected legislators stop playing the no-show game and start representing their constituency by finding the resources necessary to fund the mandates they seem fated to pass. You have to wonder if Representative Heim is spending more time courting his largest contributor, Christel Dehan, an Indianapolis business woman (see line 7722) than he is with the fine people in his own district.

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