Welcome to the Plymouth Truth.
The Plymouth Truth is the web log of Mr. Dan Tyree and Dr. Rodger Smith. Dan is the Superintendent and Rodger is the Assistant Superintendent of Schools for the Plymouth Community School Corporation in Plymouth, Indiana.
Sunday, December 09, 2007
Music Concert
The Music Concert for grades 6,7, and 8 from Riverside Intermediate School and Lincoln Junior High School has been cancelled for this afternoon. Plans are to hold the concert next Sunday.
Just wanted to request a delay in the morning. Roads in my area a horrible and can only get worse. Announcing a delay at night would help me and many other parents. I need to make plans for delays and this situation is a given.
I just traveled from Bristol back to Plymouth. Many slid off. Even with salt and sand on the roads it is still very dangerous. Please keep in mind, even if main roads are ok, many back roads are not. And a lot of sidewalks have not been salted. Thank you
Just wanted to request a delay in the morning. Roads in my area a horrible and can only get worse. Announcing a delay at night would help me and many other parents. I need to make plans for delays and this situation is a given.
Thank You!
i agree, i have tried walking several times today outside and it is very unsafe. At least a 2 hour delay is necessary
I just traveled from Bristol back to Plymouth. Many slid off. Even with salt and sand on the roads it is still very dangerous. Please keep in mind, even if main roads are ok, many back roads are not. And a lot of sidewalks have not been salted. Thank you
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