Thursday, December 20, 2007

Good News to All PCSC Educators

Today, our office received a letter from the Indiana Department of Education informing us that Plymouth Community School Corporation has met all Annual Measurable Achievement Objectives on the Spring 2007 LAS Links exam. Limited English Proficient (LEP) students had to meet or exceed three specific benchmarks to attain this status.

· 57% exceeded state standard scale score points on the LAS Links exam.
· 67% achieved a Level 5 for a second time on the LAS Links exam
· 9% moved from a Level 4 or lower to a Level 5 on the Spring LAS Links exam.

We tip our hats to all teachers who work with the attitude that “all students can learn.” Your hard work and persistence is making a difference. Secondly, we also need to congratulate our Limited English Proficient students. They are attaining an education while working diligently to learn a new language. All of Plymouth needs to be proud of this accomplishment.


Anonymous said...

hi, i am a freshmen sudent at phs. i first seen this blog about the good news on friday after i had taken a benchmark test. i like how the way teachers are teaching us at the most part. even though they need to a better part espically one(1) teacher. i am not going to tell his name. he takes so long to go over one chapter and makes the tests to long and way to hard.

Anonymous said...

Are you seriosly a PHS students or are you someone who is just trying to make PHS look bad with your awful Engilsh? If you are from PHS double check things you submit please and if you are not then get a life!

Anonymous said...

hey, where have my other comments went. they where on here on the 1st of the month and on the 2nd (today) they are gone. WWHHYY did they dissapear?

Dan and Rodger said...

That vast majority of comments are not removed from the blog. However, negative comments about staff members will be removed.

Anonymous said...

It sure is foggy out there. But the people would not put us on a 2 hour delay if needed until tommrow morning. Why don't any schools go under a 2 hour delay for the fog in the night time hours?

Anonymous said...

To anonymous (December 28, 2007 8:24 PM) I don't think that you should tell people to "get a life." Good Engligh is not everything. You do not need to point out other's mistakes

Anonymous said...

Hey Josh Z.

Nobody's perfect. Being corrected by someone is a good thing. Finding your own mistakes before someone else does is much better though, especially before your mistake becomes public for everyone to see. We should always be willing to correct our mistakes and improve.