Tuesday, March 15, 2005

What is in a Name? Part 2

A few days ago we solicited potential names for the new elementary. Some experienced difficulties with the comment button. Let's try it again. Thus far, two suggestions have been received via email, Franklin Elementary and Nutmeg Academy. What is your proposed name for the new building?
Remember, the name of the building should inspire excellence. Thank you in advance for your thoughts.


Anonymous said...

I think a great name would be Marshall Elementary, It would represent the strong Community that has helped this vision come true. Thanks M. Bergeron

Anonymous said...

I think that the new elementary should remain Menominee Elementary. The 5/6 building should get the new name. It should be called a school not an academy. The word academy has connotations of elite, private. The new 4/5 school will be providing the best public school educatioin available. Ideas for names: Riverside Intermediate, Parkview Intermediate, and Otis Bowen Intermediate.

Anonymous said...

The new elementary school should keep the name of Menominee. The new 5-6 building should be renamed. What about Potowatomi Intermediate School?
M.J. Craig

Anonymous said...

Keeping Menominee Elementary for the new elementary school gets my vote. A new name for the 5/6 building should be created. Perhaps solicit suggestions from the students who will be attending there when it is completed?

Anonymous said...

Since Menominee has had its name for several years, I think carrying that name forward to the new school will be confusing. People will end up speaking about the "new" and "old" Menominee schools. I would prefer a new name for the new school to avoid this confusion. I also like the idea of keeping all of our elementary schools with a presidential theme. Lastly, unless all the other schools are changing to "intermediate", I think the new school should be consistent with the existing schools for it's name. Enough said, how about Kennedy Elementary, Reagan Elementary.

Anonymous said...

How about Skiles Elementary after a great Plymouth alum who is now an NBA basketball coach. He could come and do a dedication of the new building.

Anonymous said...

How about Skiles Elementary after a great Plymouth alum who is now an NBA basketball coach. He could come and do a dedication of the new building.

Anonymous said...

How about Skiles Elementary after a great Plymouth alum who is now an NBA basketball coach. He could come and do a dedication of the new building.

Anonymous said...

How about Skiles Elementary after a great Plymouth alum who is now an NBA basketball coach. He could come and do a dedication of the new building.

Anonymous said...

How about Skiles Elementary after a great Plymouth alum who is now an NBA basketball coach. He could come and do a dedication of the new building.

Anonymous said...

How about Skiles Elementary after a great Plymouth alum who is now an NBA basketball coach. He could come and do a dedication of the new building.

Anonymous said...

A name which depicts strength could be Patriot Elementary School

Anonymous said...

Lets avoid presidential names, too much political bickering! Webster is not named after a president. Many of us remember the old Franklin School that was north of town, but how about New West Elementary School and the mascot could be a Bulldog in honor of the old West High team. A bulldog is strong!

Anonymous said...

Patriot 5/6 Elementary would be an excellent name. The fifth and sixth graders of 2006 - 2007 should get to choose the name of their new school even if the building is not new.

Anonymous said...

I do not have any suggestions for specific names, but I do have an opinion as to what should be done about the naming.
I recommend that both buildings receive new names. The current Menominee building would get a new name when it becomes a 5-6 building, as well as the new K-4 building. This will eliminate any confusion when people talk about the K-5 Menominee building. I also feel that the word academy should not be used in any way for any building in a public school system (for obvious reasons in my opinion)!

Anonymous said...

Why not Option K Middle School?