Friday, March 11, 2005

Superintendent’s Advisory Committee

The Superintendent’s Advisory Committee met March 8, 2005 at 7:00 p.m. in the board room. The committee members heard an Option K update from Dr. Hill. The members also received an update on the redistricting process. A list of issue to be considered during the process has been compiled. The data from the student management system is being copied over to the student transportation data system. This process will continue into the next school year.

The committee received a report on the impact of the proposed Governor’s budget and the budget that passed the house on the Plymouth Community Schools. Both will result in a decrease in services for students. Community members are encouraged to contact their representatives and express their concerns.

The council also discussed a variety of other issues including the alternative school program, the alternative to suspension program, the student assistance program, and changes in the teaching of reading.

The next scheduled meeting of the Superintendent’s Advisory Committee will be May 3, 2005.

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