Yesterday, Superintendent Daniel Tyree, Asst. Superintendent Rodger Smith, and PHS Principal Jim Condon were guests on the WTCA What's Your Opinion Show. The main topic was the roof project. Put together by Dave Schoof and Rodger Smith, the roof project came in at a savings of almost $200,000 and was the lowest cost per square foot roofing job proposed in
Lafayette Blogger Diana Vice, fueled by
During the radio broadcast, Mrs. Diana Vice called the station in a tirade, citing outdated law cases, incorrect statistics, and citing statute taken out of context. The call did not shed a favorable light on Mrs. Vice. Tony Ross and Kathy Bottorff caught on very quickly that Mrs. Vice had no case to stand on. When they pressed her for answers, she became very rattled and eventually ended the call without saying good-bye.
Mrs. Vice's blog is now full of accusations about Plymouth Schools and the roofing project. She has disabled the comment button so rational people cannot comment or report on the truth. If you are interested in hearing a podcast of the show, you can find it on WTCA's web site.
Welcome to the Plymouth Truth. The Plymouth Truth is the web log of Mr. Dan Tyree and Dr. Rodger Smith. Dan is the Superintendent and Rodger is the Assistant Superintendent of Schools for the Plymouth Community School Corporation in Plymouth, Indiana.
Friday, April 01, 2011
Response to Diana Vice
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She apparently has no life since she spends her time trying to dig up dirt on numerous individuals all over the state. She claims that she is saving taxpayers money, but one should wonder how much money and time she wastes by demanding information for her witch hunts. She claims to be such a holier than thou Christian, but her blog is anything but Christian...she is a venomous snake!
The Plymouth Truth espoused by our superintendent is full of falsehoods, as can and will be proven in due time. This is all so sad--for Dan and for our community.
Please listen carefully to the WTCA program--despite the rude treatment Mrs. Vice recieved--she was gracious, and most knowledgable of her researched subject. She, understandably frustrated with Dan's manipulations of the facts, did end the conversation when it was most apparent that the conversation was not going anywhere positive due to Dan's leadership. She was wise and gracious to end her conversation when she did.
Yet again, Dan has falsified the facts. I NEVER knew anything about Mrs. Vice or her statewide efforts to uncover public school corruption. I never fueled this issue. (Why does Dan credit me with so much power?) Those in the roofing industry exposed these additional corrupt acts of our school administrators and school board. I was shocked as anyone! Now, like a can of worms, other disturbing facts commnicated by a host of other citizens are currently ringing Mrs. Vice's phone off her wall. Again this is all so sad....May God do as He has promised to those who act unjustly.
Please pray for Dan and our Plymouth School leaders as well as our nation. Proverbs 6:16-19
Most sincerely,
Dare Hawes
P.S. Dan--if you do not approve of my response to your statements, they will be copied elsewhere.
4:29 PM on 4/1/11. dh
She may not be all right, but by the way most of it sounds Plymouth is at fault just as much as she is, if not more. Hearing the lies and seeing the back stabbing that is occuring Im not trusting anyone at this point!
How come you have not published by comment, Dan? I did not call anyone names.
I find it very unprofessional that a Superintendent of a public school would make unbecoming comments about a individual no matter how justified.
What will it take to wake up this community to say Enough is Enough! TAC and Dare Hawes claim to be on the side of the tax payer, the Plymouth citizen. In reality, what they have done is cost the tax payer wasted dollars from ridiculous attacks and law suits. They have wasted the precious resources of time, energy and funds that could have been used for our schools. As community we should be outraged. And for what reasons are TAC and Ms. Hawes continuing this onslaught of idiocy?.............their own personal agendas. NOT for the kids. NOT for the taxpayers. NOT for the good for the community. It's time they are held accountable.
I find it interesting Dan that you accuse Diana of not allowing people to make comments, but you remove people's comments if you do not like them. I have to say that I believe you are in some hot water and you really don't want people to know the truth of what you have done and how you have and continue to waste taxpayers money.
You mention how Tony Ross and Kathy Bottorff did not believe that Diana Vice had a case to stand on, but your really have to go deeper and know who helps them keep their radio station going...None other than Mr. John Oliver himself...your best pal! :) It doesn't take a Rhodes Scholar to figure out how much of a swindler you have been to our community. I know that you are in a very powerful position and you have very powerful friends, but people will eventually find out the truth! You have hurt so many good people because of your arrogance, pride, and greed. I would probably wager to say that Tony Ross does not trust you or any of the rest of the administration. I don't want Tony to lose his job, because I know that is exactly what you are capable of doing. Whenever someone gets in your way you just get rid of them. There are a number of good custodians, such as Bobby Girten and there are countless others that have lost their job due to your arrogance. What is amazing to me is that Diana Vice is someone who just happened to figure out what you were up to and decided to blow the whistle on you. Now you are trying to make her look like the fool. Not a wise decision Dan! You should have just admitted your mistake and asked for some forgiveness and moved on with your life. Your pride is going to be your biggest downfall.
Since this is the Plymouth Truth I wonder how many teachers and employees in the Plymouth School Corporation actually have respect for you? They might not be vocal about things because they want to keep their jobs, but if the truth were really known there probably would not be many people in your camp.
I think it is an absolute shame that someone like Michael Delp, an excellent teacher and coach is willing to leave to go to another school just because he is fed up with what you and others are doing to wreck our community. It has become a sad day when you are running good people out of our schools and community!
I think the best thing you can do is to just quit digging yourself in a hole. Become a man of integrity and become a person of honesty. The truth eventually becomes known and then it might be too late for you.
Have a great week!
I listed to the show. I tried to comment on Diana's Blog. Same thing. She won't listen to the other side. I feel really good about the way our administration has kept us out of money troubles the other schools have faced. I can't believe that htey would do something to waste money. I wouldn't believe anythiing that Diana puts on her Blog. It sounds like me that she preys on those stupid enough to believe her.
I listen to the Opinion show every morning. First we started out with our City Councilman Mike Delp crying again about sports. If people are going to be concerned about Todd Samuelson's conflict of interest then what about Mike Delp serving on the city council and running Michiana Contracting. Come on, this is a small town. I trust Todd, and Dan and Roger.
you guys notice that Tyree is keeping quiet on this one..umm i wounder why..
I, we, have all been subjects to Dare's ranting and raving over the years and just when I think she couldn't possibly get anymore ridiculous with things she ups the ante and brings religion into the issue. Religion has nothing to do with our schools. Keep your religion, and your religious views, to yourself. Enough is enough.
And, also, what does it say about a person who repeatedly attacks the place/persons responsible for their entire way of living. Your husband worked for Plymouth Schools his entire career, and retired from there, and this is how you pay them back for providing you with money and a way of life? To repeatedly attack them for anything and everything you can come up with?
I think we can all agree that while Plymouth is a small town, and quite often there is nothing to do here, you should really start coming up with better ways to spend your time because you are way past the point of looking and sounding like an all out fool.
I am a current Plymouth High School Student and while I don't like Dan Tyree whatsoever, after reading these comments and reading Mrs. Vice's blog named WELCOME TO MY TEA PARTY, I believe that Mrs. Vice and Mrs.Hawes (I had Mr. Hawes for a teacher and I really liked him) are on a witch hunt. especially since at least Mrs. Vice is associated with the Tea Party.
What about taking my idea into deep concideration. What about instead of schools debating how they should do this or how they should do that, how about you get the students(from PHS and LJH..etc..) and then take their ideas into consideration. Again Just a Thought!!!
Also a PHS student
is their anyplace where the public can acccess and look at these documents..I personaly myself would like to take a look at these so called documents
Have you guys ever noticed that its about about what they want. When teachers want something..they have to go threw so much jsut to get that, where as the supentendent can go boom boom and have what he wants. I think it is seriously time for Dan to resign as superntendent
Resign Dan know you want to!
I think Jon has some good ideas there
I do post all comments unless they use profanity or could be considered as slander (except for me).
I went to Bloomington this weekend to watch my daughter's choir concert and didn't moderate comments until this morning when I came back to work.
As a PHS student I would just like to say that what matters is what is best for the school corporation. Let's stop fighting and just try to understand that Mr Tyree has a challenging job and cannot please everyone. Everyone is allowed their own opinion but other people should not be slandered in the process. The anger needs to stop so that we can all move forward and continue to make Plymouth a great place to live and attend school!
You don't think the school administrators have done their fair share of slandering people that they just want to get rid of? Do you think for one instance that Kevin Stuckmeyer was treated fairly during the last couple of weeks when he was asked to resign or be fired? I have a feeling that the only reason he decided to resign was because he really didn't want to work for administrators who were dishonest and didn't have his back. We lost a great person, a great coach, and a great leader when we lost coach Stuckmeyer!
I wonder if Dare Hawes is interested in being superintendent? With her flawless logic and her faultless christian character, how could we go wrong?
She would do a better job then the job that is happening now.
She sure would do a better job than a lot of other choices!
Nathan - you did not read Diana Vice's blog very closely. She is not associated with the tea party. It is a catchy little phrase she uses. She is a conservative minded libertarian.
A lot of you are doing exactly what Dan wants you to do. You are not reading Diana's blog and getting off of the topic at hand.
I think it is cute how Dan Tyree will all of a sudden post a comment and act like this is the only one he has posted. You don't fool me Dan! I know you have posted some of those anonymous ones!
As I write this anonymous comment I do have to applaud Dare Hawes for signing her name everytime. She is definitely not a coward! She is bold and stands up for what she believes is right! We should all take note at how transparent and straigtforward she has been. I remain anonymous because I have a child who goes to the school and I fairly confident that the administration would treat him differently if they knew I was writing! They have shown that they do that when people get in their way and speak up against them.
I agree with you with what you said in regards to Coach Stuckmeyer being a great coach! He is someone who will truly be missed.
I worked closely with Kevin and he does an excellent job working with the guys! He and Brad Stevens remind me a lot of each other!
I know a lot of Plymouth administraters have gotten ripped, but I think that Mr. Dunn and Mr. Funston are awesome at their respective schools! Plymouth can at least be proud of the way they have conducted themselves at Menominee and Lincoln. They are class acts!
Stuckmeyer at least won a sectional...someone not other coaches at Plymouth that get to keep their jobs can say! He is a person of integrity and character...something others should take note of!
some of those anonymous, I think that he has done more then some! Im not afraid, I'll say it, Im a PHS student and sick of the bologna that is going on.
Jon - I would like to take a look at these so called documents as well! I think Dan is able to ward off a lot of people by saying some documents actually exist.
First of all Dan, just pack up your stuff and leave town! I’m tired of listening to all of the finger pointing and blaming everyone else. I don’t know how many people know, but Dan is also trying to get rid of the Ag shop. Getting rid of the Ag shop is totally unfair and uncalled for. There are many students and people out in the community who are willing to fight for us and are supporting us right now. I believe that you should do the right thing and call off the plans for the shop, because if you don’t, it’s all going to blow up right back on you. There are many students who have a love for the Shop, and love taking the classes that are involved with it. If that is all taken away, well... do you really want to find out what will happen?? Just as an FYI, this whole New Tech program is also being taught in other High School’s alongside of a shop. So there is no reason to get rid of it, and if all of the boneheads that are the cause of this new program get together with the other schools, you guys would know this already. I have also created a presentation that states the importance of welding, and I would be more then happy to send it to you if you are willing to take the time and look over it. I have a question for you as well Mr. Tyree. Do you know what I mean by the phrase, My cow died so I don’t need your bull?? Or the phrase by Mrs. Vice, women are like tea bags; you never know how strong they are until they’re put in hot water!! Well let me tell you, you are testing those waters!! I would be careful on which lie you tell next. We here at PHS and the Community want you to man up to your mistakes and take the consequences. So like I said before, please just resign and leave!!
P.S. We will help you pack! =)
The conflict of interest allegation is flimsy, a large accounting firm has lots of clients, some of those clients are direct competitors. To risk a companies integrity seems unlikely.
The two community activists have yet to show hard numbers. The contract was worth what, $400K? Give a hard number as to what it should have been. You can't because a proper bid takes time and money, so you publish hearsay as fact.
The third thing that causes doubt is the personal attack against this superintendent Tyree calling him a criminal. That's a pretty serious allegation that should be backed up with verifiable facts that will hold up in court.
I'm sure these self elected public defenders are sincere. I also think taxes are excessive with opportunities for improvements in how wise taxes are spent. Unfortunately, they are coming across as crack pots causing wasteful spending instead of helping.
I submitted some more difficult facts on this site this afternoon, but they have been omitted-- yet again. For what reason, Dan? I answered one question about how one can review or obtain copies of critical documents. Ask Dan for what he allegedly sent Mrs. Vice. He is legally obligated to make them available under Indiana Public Access Law. Thanks to Mrs. Vice, he is to do so at no further cost to the taxpayers. Questions, please call me. 936-6853
Dare Hawes
Dear Dan,
You need to just quite you are hurting us to bad first taking the shop for the "NEW TECH" which we students take pride in and now your taking the tax money and spending $400,000 without bidding. COME ON!! You should now better!!
I am still waiting for you to patiently post my comments from yesterday afternoon, Dan. There is no reason for you NOT to post them. They are facts, and do not attack anyone---meeting your stated ground rules.
Dare Hawes
im still waiting for answers on looking at these documents. You state that their are documents available, but where are they located at?
I cannot find anything that you sent me that I did not publish. Now, I'm not suggesting that it wasn't sent to me - just that I cannot find it. I am very busy today and will not spend any additional time looking for it. If you would like to send it again, I will post it. My apologies.
You can call, email, or phone Dr. Rodger Smith at 936-3115 to make arrangements to either view the documents in the Superintendent's Office.
I am sure that I am not the only one who wants to see these documents!
Why are we arguing about a roofing project? How about we try to improve some test scores, teaching methods, etc. As a PHS student there are plenty of things that could be fixed around here. Who cares about some loser woman who creeps around on the internet seeking out the wrong things with public schools. She's probably a charter school supporter. What a joke. Get real. Why don't we argue about improving our school system. Besides school is just a big memorization test anyways. What are we really learning or remembering that will help us in the real world? Not much from what I've seen in my years here. And before you make any stereotypes that I'm a student who always "questions the system" and doesn't really care about school, I have an 11.3 GPA and am a member of NHS and a multitude of other teams, clubs, and activities. So this is coming from an honest and worthy student.
Easy with the charter schools...I am a supporter of that
I think the fact that some students have posted on this blog goes to show we really shouldn't be cutting ANY programs from our schools. Never seen so many grammatical errors and just horrible spelling and everything in my entire life.
Sorry that we are not perfect on the grammatical errors!! Nobody is perfect! Sure we are in high school, but come on... Your not human if you don't make a mistake a time or to in your life! Just saying.. Also while we are on the topic of making mistakes, I'm not on Tyree's side or anybody's, but he obviously made a mistake, and he has to find the right time to MAN up to it. The truth will come out and we will all soon see the FACTS! I pray to those who are involved in this situation and best of luck in finding out the TRUTH!!
Is it "never seen" or "never saw?"
To the poster at 12:57 P.M., I don't think anyone posting on here, student or not, is worried about correct punctuation and grammatical errors while posting. And what "programs" are being cut that's resulting in poor grammar and spelling? I think that goes back to elementary level education. To be quite frank, I can personally guarantee that 90% of the kids in high school don't know the basic grammar rules. This is stuff we learned in our junior high days. Pronouns, nouns, adverbs, adjectives, subjunctive clauses, etc. If you were to test high schoolers today over this material I guarantee roughly 90% of the kids WOULD NOT score above a 60% or so. Once again, this reiterates my statement of school simply being a memorization test. Yet it doesn't retain in our memory. Didn't know this was an English paper. And referring back to charter schools, I'm not saying they are bad. I think the idea of a teacher who has been in that specific field before is great (Mr. Miley at the high school is a perfect example of this. He's a great teacher and shows us real life lessons. I've learned the most real life applications in his business classes.) I'm just saying that often times we find charter school supporters criticizing public schools.
Just checked out Vice's blog.....what a feminist, Tea Party, psycho. She probably thinks she's doing the State a favor and helping out her radical Republican friends. HA. GOOD JOKE.
First of all, there should be no name calling! We are not in Juinor High School and you don't have to act childish!!...The joke is really on you 2:47 poster!! You just don't realize it yet HAHA I'm going to laugh when it all blows up the way you don't want it too.
p.s. enjoy the rest of your day! =)
This is sad.
I am confused. Diana Vise is from Lafayette, yes? How many people have ever met this woman? How many people have researched this woman? How many people know if this woman is credible? (Her blog even mentions the fact that people think she is nuts...) And, although she is a lifetime (unhappy) resident of Plymouth, how did Dare Hawes get to become a credible ally for Diana Vise.
Shame on Dare Hawes for her continued childish antics. You have never been happy with any administrator in the Plymouth School Corporation, even though Plymouth Schools financially supported your family and made your son a lasting-name in the community with his speech team accomplishments. You are an embarrassment to our community.
As for Diana, have you done your research? Have you talked to people in the community to find out if Dare Hawes is a reliable or sane source?
Your tea bag in Dare Hawes has permanently stained your reputation in Plymouth, IN.
If you want to make a difference in the world, bake those cookies with your grandkids. Your grandchildren and the entire state of Indiana will be grateful for that decision.
I doubt any of this is illegal. Mr. Tyree wouldn't break the law like this at such a high position. I am sure this is perfectly legal and Miss Vice is trying to heat things up. Some people need to settle down and not get so agitated over this.
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