Wednesday, April 06, 2011

Lost Comment

This post was submitted before I closed comments. It did not appear because it was too long. I will see if it will appear this way.
Daniel Tyree, Superintendent

Thank you, Dan, for printing at last my signed comments on your “Plymouth Truth”. I was really surprised! Since you purposefully blocked any PCS employee from being able to receive any “Hawes” emails on PCS computers from our home computer a few years ago, I was not confident my response to your blog dissing Mrs. Vice would be able to even get through.

I am sure you recall blocking Hawes emails. Mike and I only realized you were blocking our home emails from PCS teachers when Sam (our son, I am sure you remember him) graciously sought to assist the Speech team find lodging in Birmingham for the National Speech meet, and his personal emails to the PCS speech coaches were blocked. He asked me to contact your brother-in-law to relay his offer to help the Speech Team, and that is when we learned you had blocked receipt of any email with the name Hawes..…When I thereafter questioned if that was ethical of you, you told me in writing that if I would promise to begin to “behave” (ie. Fall in to lock step with your demands) then you would allow me, a public citizen, free access to “your” employees. …. In seeking to assist a PCS student recently in my position as an Insource Advocate, I learned my access to PCS employees was still blocked by yourself—so thank you sincerely, as our PUBLIC school superintendent. for finally unlocking the door to my free expression once more. It is sad—and a bit scary-- that your historical actions forced a public debate before I could finally be heard.

The Plymouth Truth comments have been most interesting. For those Annonymous folks who have chosen to believe, based on most limited knowledge and understanding of the fully documented facts, that Mrs. Vice and I are ridiculous, wasting tax payers money, are on a personal agenda, etc. I would like to invite them to please call me directly (936-6853). IF they will properly identify themselves and conduct themselves in a civil matter—I would appreciate having an adult conversation regarding these serious issues with them. If anyone would like to review the documents (as one person asked) all they need to do is to ask Dan or his secretaries for the specific documents they need. (Readers: Please note, under Indiana Public Access Law, Dan and Roger are legally obligated within time restrictions to provide these public documents to any citizen who makes such a request for their review. If citizens wish to possess their own copies by hard copy, flash drive, etc. ---thanks to Mrs. Vice--Dan is now required to provide these public docuements at no additional expense to taxpayers!

In fact, Dan, given the public interest-- what about a debate between you and me, maybe on WTCA? We asked Kathy for that opportunity much earlier in this drama, but you refused. I again make that offer despite your fame as a debater/ speech coach. Though I might get flustered amidst your experienced speech tricks, I firmly believe my speaking truth would not be difficult.
As you and your board well know and as is exhaustively documented we, numerous other citizens, and our ethical attorneys have repeatedly asked, in writing, to meet with your public school board for a private, adult conversation since October 2007. Your response? Your local attorney Joe Morris wrote us that it was illegal for the school board to meet with us. (Hogwash! In fact, I understand that you told one (of many) PCS employees when you were forcing his unjust dismissal, when he asked to meet with the school board, you told him he could not. Again, Hogwash!) Your other Indianapolis attorney (paid over a hundred PUBLIC dollars per hour to protect you against me) Thomas E. Wheeler II , also wrote us--- threatening to sue us in writing if we persisted in our citizen efforts for the truth, for our laws and school policies to be upheld, for wrongdoers to be held accountable for OUR educational community’s welfare. However, for most obvious reasons—for self-serving reasons NOT student-serving reasons, you and your mute-by-choice once respected board has persistently refused to address these serious issues, including alleged criminal wrongs of computer tampering…..And now, there is a valid question about fraud and kickbacks.
Ironically, when we appealed to the local prosecutor Dave Holmes about these alleged criminal issues, he—as your good friend?-- has persistently refused to ever once meet to hear the strong testimony or to examine the evidence. (Recently, he is continues to refuse as a public official, as an officer of the court, to accept a certified, restricted letter from me , a citizen. Why?) And thereafter, Holmes willfully misrepresented (in writing no less) these facts to the Indiana State Police. Regretfully, due to close political connections with our Mayor Senter and his documented staunch supporter John Oliver, we firmly believe the Indiana State Police also chose to incorrectly interpret the law so they would not investigate the evidence of alleged criminal wrongdoing by our public school administrators, willfully and persistently covered up by the Plymouth school board.

The fully documented facts of this public school corruption is mind boggling. But, they are the real Plymouth Truth…..and they need to be justly addressed. We pray they will be, and soon. However, if no one of true integrity or legal authority dares to address this fully documented public corruption-- we are confident Our God will do so, in His time and in His way. He has promised. That’s not bringing “religion” into this discussion—that is relying on the One True God on Whom this great country was founded, and who has abundantly and mercifully blessed our country and ourselves --despite our grievous sins against Him.
I have great peace in that fact.

Mrs. Dare Hawes

Christian, Citizen and Public Educator

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