Monday, March 07, 2011

Plymouth High School Speech Sectional Placings

For over 30 years, no school in north-central Indiana has won a Sectional Speech Championship - except Plymouth High School. That trend continued on Saturday as the PHS speakers amassed 223 points (the top Sectional total in the state) as compared to Concord's second place 75 points. Individual champions included...Sean Hatfield and Jason Pickell in Memorized Duo; Sarah Gouker and Olivia Hilliard in Scripted Duo; Patrick Felke in International Extemp, Bryt Hiatt in USA Extemp; Pauline Dagaas in Declamation; Michaila Nate in Impromptu, Deven Berger in Discussion, and Jessica Cleveland in Original Performance. However, those finishes alone would have only provided 64 points. It was the team's overall quality and depth that made the real difference. For a complete listing of results, you can go to the Plymouth High School Website and link to Mr. McKenzie's Speech and Debate Team blog. The team will next prepare for the national qualification tournament this Saturday here at PHS. Good luck this weekend and at State.

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