Thursday, May 06, 2010

LJH English Academic Super Bowl Team

First Row: Ellen Smith, David Walsh, John Howard, and Jamie Cook; Second Row: Deborah Anders, Shelby Harrell, John Stillson, and Mr. Boyer

The Lincoln Junior High Academic Super Bowl Team participated in the annual Indiana Academic Competition this past Saturday, and the English team brought home the state title, while the Science team finished 7th in the state.

The English team, including Ellen Smith, Jamie Cook, Deborah Anders, Shelby Harrell, John Howard, David Walsh, and John Stillson, correctly answered 23 out of 25 questions. The questions all pertained to this year’s theme: An American Generation: 1964 – 1980. The team had to read a collection of literature from that era, including, among others, Paul Zindel’s The Pigman and The Effect of Gamma Rays on Man-in-the-Moon Marigolds, Fiddler on the Roof, Martin Luther King Jr.’s “I Have a Dream” Speech, “Caged Bird” by Maya Angelou, “Cinderella” by Anne Sexton, and “Rain on the Scarecrow” by John Mellencamp. Not only did the team post the highest score in their state class, but they posted a higher score than all other teams in all four classes.

The Science team, including Kyle Barry, Rachel Hartman, Alex Jeffirs, Savannah Mae, Matt Pearson, and Janessa Salazar correctly answered 16 out of 25 questions. They studied scientific issues, including space and underwater exploration and the development of personal computers, that pertained to the same era in history. Congratulations to our future writers and scientists!


Anonymous said...

Congratulations to the Lincoln Academic teams and coaches! We are proud of your hard work. Wow! State Champs!!!!

Anonymous said...

This is an extraordinary accomplishment! I feel very proud of each member of the academic team. Congrats to the coaches, the participants and the administrators for their contributions to this outstanding feat.