Thursday, March 04, 2010

PHS Results at the ASCE Bridge Bust Competition at Purdue

On Monday, March 1, 2010, 22 Plymouth students competed at the 33rd Annual ASCE Bridge Bust Competition at Purdue. There were 11 schools that brought teams to the competition for a total of 66 bridges. Bridges were judged in two categories: Aesthetics and Structural Efficiency. Here are the results for the top five Plymouth bridges and where they placed at Purdue:
Structural Efficiency:
1. Robbie Miller & Kate Glassburn
2. Santiago Ibarra & Jeff Overmyer
3. Cody Benjamin & Josh Phillips
4. Sean McClellan & Lucas Hill
5.Matt Libersky

1. Santiago Ibarra & Jeff Overmyer
2. Robbie Miller & Kate Glassburn
3. Cassie Hopper & Faith Fish
4. Sean McClellan & Lucas Hill
5. Joel Hartung & Kyle Matthews

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