Today, this office has received numerous calls asking our school not to show President Obama’s Speech in school as the President has asked us to do. We have Board Policies dealing with situations such as this one and we will follow those policies. To be brief, we will not interrupt instructional time to have students view the speech. We do whatever it takes to protect our instructional time.
If, in the course of study in social studies, a teacher feels that listening to the speech would be an appropriate avenue to illustrate their studies, then the teacher would have the right to have the students listen to the speech.
As parents, you have the right to ask for an alternative assignment, but I would ask that those requests be done in a respectful manner. Regardless of your political persuasion, we must teach children to treat our President with respect.
I believe that political ideology is as personal of an issue, as religious ideology.
In my opinion, the timing of Mr. Obama’s “speech” to our school age children is obvious in its intent.
I respectfully submit, that the Plymouth school corporation’s policy of forcing a parent to opt-out versus opting-in to allow their children to possibly view/listen to party line propaganda as being blatantly political.
Education is a weapon whose effects depend on who holds it in his hands and at whom it is aimed. - Joseph Stalin
Brent Schafer
Sounds like you are taking the correct approach to the situation. Children do need to know that there are differences of opinion and we can agree to disagree. Unlike some places in the world, we are allowed to have differences of opinions.
All people, young and old, need to treat our President with respect.
Why wasn't my comment I sent to you posted?
Brent Schafer
people are dumb seriously get over it i dont see you becoming president
Good Morning. I believe that the approach was incorrect. He is our president and his speech was superb especially on the personal responsibility of students to learn. I am extremely disappointed that my child did not get to hear it. I would like to know if the previous speeches aimed at students from Presidents Reagan and George H W Bush as well as George W Bush (after 9/11) also were made optional. I believe you show lack of respect for the office of the presidency (never mind reinforcing to the students that what the president says to them is unimportant) when you choose not to show it. I should have been given the option of sending my child to a set aside room at school to watch it. We should not be so afraid of listening to any 18 minute speech, discussing it and coming to each of our own conclusions on what we agree or disagree with. The speech was to school children on what was many of thems first day of school and I am very disappointed that we did not take the opportunity to reinforce messages of hard work, perceverance, respect,etc that I hope all of our staff is trying to foster everyday. Thank you
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