Friday, April 27, 2007

Blog Bits

Some have expressed concerns about computer usage at Riverside Intermediate. Mrs. Burroughs sent the following letter to all parents:

Dear Parent,

A couple of weeks ago we dealt with an incident of students accessing inappropriate web sites at school on classroom computers. A television station interviewed me at the time about this subject. As a parent, you may have questions about the procedures in place at school to ensure Internet safety for your child. That is the reason for this letter.

All Plymouth Community Schools, including Riverside Intermediate School, follow safety guidelines and have systems in place to safeguard our children. We all have a “Computer Use” policy/agreement that is signed by each student and parent at registration each year. We have security filters and firewalls on all of our computers and servers that are constantly monitored to try and keep out inappropriate sites. Students are only to use computers under supervision of an adult. In short, we are taking all known precautions.

On the other hand, we have some very technically knowledgeable students in our classrooms of today. Some of them have found a way to access other servers from our computers. Some of them have found ways to dismantle some of our filters. We deal with these students as these problems are encountered.

I hope this answers the questions you may have at this time. If not, please contact me at school.

Donna Burroughs, Principal

Our technology department is updating the filter system continuously. We are also reviewing computer use procedures throughout the district.


Anonymous said...

If that student or students signed a "Computer Use" policy/agreement to use the computers appropriatly they should face some kind of consequence for their actions.

Dan and Rodger said...

Students face a range of penalties which include the loss of computer privilages.