Tuesday, April 10, 2007

Blog Bits

Some have questioned why we allow people to comment on the blog under the anonymous label. The purpose of our blog is to share information about the district and create discussions among community members regarding the events and issues in our district. When viewing newspapers and other organizations we see that the use of anonymity in blogging and communication has created a wider variety of discourse. Unfortunately, there are those who tear people down and use inappropriate language while hiding behind the anonymity. It is very difficult to give credence to those comments and on occasion, we have removed those from the blog. By the same token, there are those who express their opinions, even though they disagree, and attach their name to their comments. We respect those individuals for their courage.

Pep Band
There have been several comments on the blog about our High School pep band. We want to improve in every aspect of the district. If you have constructive ideas on how to improve the pep band, please feel free to forward those to Mrs. Wagoner at cwagoner@plymouth.k12.in.us or share your constructive comments on the blog.

Speech & Basketball Team
We are extremely proud of the accomplishments of both organizations. Students and staff members involved in both organizations work many hours throughout the year improving their skills and preparing themselves for the tasks at hand. Students involved in both organizations have demonstrated what can be done by today’s students when provided structure and direction. Congratulations again to the team members, staff members, parents, and all those who supported our speech and basketball teams throughout the year.


Anonymous said...

What exactly is it that you want the pep band to improve on? They work their tails, and already get shoved to the side. So by all means, ask for suggestions without asking Mrs. Wagoner first! There is only one of her, what more do you want?

Anonymous said...

I believe the pep band (as with all the school music groups) does an outstanding job. I respect the time and effort that our band and choir teachers dedicate to all of the ensembles. They budget around school, family, and all other social events and still present the community with a fine display of musicianship. I think the question that I would be more concerned with is "Why do the music ensembles in our schools get such little recongnition?"

Anonymous said...

My question to the poster is why, if indeed we want to improve in everyway, doesn’t the corporation do something about its poor ISTEP scores? I know for a fact that the music department has suffered major cuts in staffing over the last two years and it’s expected to sustain the same level of quality. That makes no sense!

This post is a personal attack and has no place in the professional realm! Shame on the individual that posted this bulletin!!!! Evidentially they are out of touch with what Mrs. Wagoner does on a day to day basis.

Anonymous said...

What were these comments and when were they on the blog. It would appear that the music department would need to know the concerns before they can be corrected. I feel this is just another attack on the director and she should be allowed to comment on these so called criticisms.

Anonymous said...

Obviously, the poster is referring to previous blog entries under a previous topic from other "anonymous" bloggers that had to be removed due to their nasty content. It's unfortunate certain bloggers feel the need to become defensive, when really we could all use this forum to help our educators improve our schools instead of just to criticize them or the administration.

Anonymous said...

The pep band is doing all they can do under the direction of Mrs. Wagoner. If there would be any improvement, it would be that she needs more help! She deserves someone else down there to help her out! So if there is anything that needs to be changed, it would be that she needs more help!

Anonymous said...

I agree with all the previous bloggers in the fact that Mrs. Wagoner should be contacted on what needs to be improved, before it's just posted as an "attack". I agree that there can be improvements made to the music department, but that suggestions and comments should go directly to Mrs. Wagoner. With better communication, I think this problem can be solved, because currently, there is only one of her, and she does the job of nine other band directors. She is the pep band, orchestra, symphonic, wind ensemble, solo and ensemble, marching band, and jazz band instructor. She is not only a teacher to her students, but a loving friend and confidant as well. I think we need to all give the needed support and encouragement to not only the pep band, but this wonderful lady as well.

Anonymous said...

I agree with the previous bloggers as well! There is no reason for someone to post anonymously and think that the Pep Band needs improvement instead of taking their suggestions directly to the Band. How is the band supposed to make the public happy if they don't tell the band what they want? The most important thing that needs to be changed is that Mrs. Wagoner needs an assistant director, she is only one person. She directs the Wind Ensemble, Symphonic Band, Jazz Band, Orchestra, Marching Band, Pep Band, the solo and ensemble. She is one person doing at least 7 different jobs. Everyone just needs to give her and her students the support and appreciation that they disserve!

Anonymous said...

I think that everyone in pep band has busted their butt to be the best that they can be. If you want to complain, just join the band and try to be better than these unbeleivable amazing musicians.
Go Pep Band!

Anonymous said...

I have an over obsession for pep band. I love pep band and the people in pep band. I Take secret pictures that are completely g rated. Pep band has 150% of My confidence AnD support.

Anonymous said...

It appears that someone is using the computer during SPD.