Welcome to the Plymouth Truth.
The Plymouth Truth is the web log of Mr. Dan Tyree and Dr. Rodger Smith. Dan is the Superintendent and Rodger is the Assistant Superintendent of Schools for the Plymouth Community School Corporation in Plymouth, Indiana.
Friday, October 13, 2006
Wellness Policy
The Wellness Policy and associated guidelines were developed to educate our students about healthy lifestyles. Please take the time to view the Wellness Policy and the Guidelines .
Since the goal of the PCSC is to teach our children to be and eat healthier will that spill over into our consession stands. When I go to a basketball game this winter will there be "better choices" or will it be okay to buy junk food and actually eat it in the school?
I also wonder if our Cookie Dough fundraisers and other fundraisers that sell candy should be changed to selling salads in a bag!! Let's start focusing on real issues!! If my child gaines a half a pound at school I will just say a little prayer--OOPS federal gov't says I can't do that either!!
Maybe we should change our cookie dough fundraisers and other fundraisers that sell candy to raise money for school to selling salds in a bag. Let's focus on REAL issues people!! If my child gaines a pound I will just say a little prayer--OOP__federal gov't says I can't do that either.
Maybe we should change our cookie dough fundraiser and our oother fundraisers that sell candy to raise money for our school to a salad in a bag fundraiser. Let's focus on REAL issues concerning our children! If my child gaines a pound at school i will just say a little prayer-OOPS federal gov't says I can't do that at school either. Let's draw the line and get our priorities straight.
My child who attend LJHS and has the last lunch period has on more than one occassion had to have something for lunch that she didn't want or wasn't listed that day because they had ran out of food! They need to have better preparation in order to service all children and all lunch periods. Don't they take a count each day on how many kids have packed their lunch and how many are eating school lunch? They do this at the elementary schools.
To the anonymous writer from 10:10 to 11:14 AM on October 16, 2006...(I'll only say this once)...The Federal Government does not prohibit and constitutionally must protect your right to the free exercise of your religion, even at school. In fact, students at Plymouth High School may and do exercise that right, even on campus.
To October 17, @ 3:22p.m.: Are you kidding me!! You can't be serious! Are you an ACLU spokesman or something? Hello, it's 2006, not 1956. The Liberals have completely overtaken the teacher's unions and the education system in this country. That's why public education is a joke! We have to teach to the "middle." Public education has been dumbed down so much that most countries are way ahead of us in test scores.
I will try to post this only once this time- (we can't ALL be perfect) Just curious to the anoymous poster on Ocy 17--Is staff permitted to particiapate freely during school hours with students in the exercise of religion? Just a simple question, certainly wouldn't want to step on any toes.
Wow, such interaction!!! Maybe we should have our own blog?
No, I'm not an ACLU spokesman. I'm far from it. While I may agree with some of your assessment of the public school system and the liberals taking over the unions, I'll disagree with your opinion on prayer in the public schools. Students are allowed to pray and do so at Plymouth High School. And to answer the other blogger, let me add that this student prayer is student led. You really don't want one of those liberal union members leading the prayer time, do you?
And another thing.... If the Christians were to get involved in the school system rather than retreating from it and/or starting their own 'Christian' schools, maybe the public school system wouldn't be in such trouble. Yes, I am serious and no, I'm not kidding.
Oh and one more thing...You said "we have to teach to the 'middle'", so are you a teacher? Why do you allow your teaching to conform to the world's standards? Stand up for what's right and change the standard!
Thank you very much for posting this!
Since the goal of the PCSC is to teach our children to be and eat healthier will that spill over into our consession stands. When I go to a basketball game this winter will there be "better choices" or will it be okay to buy junk food and actually eat it in the school?
I also wonder if our Cookie Dough fundraisers and other fundraisers that sell candy should be changed to selling salads in a bag!! Let's start focusing on real issues!! If my child gaines a half a pound at school I will just say a little prayer--OOPS federal gov't says I can't do that either!!
Maybe we should change our cookie dough fundraisers and other fundraisers that sell candy to raise money for school to selling salds in a bag. Let's focus on REAL issues people!! If my child gaines a pound I will just say a little prayer--OOP__federal gov't says I can't do that either.
Maybe we should change our cookie dough fundraiser and our oother fundraisers that sell candy to raise money for our school to a salad in a bag fundraiser. Let's focus on REAL issues concerning our children! If my child gaines a pound at school i will just say a little prayer-OOPS federal gov't says I can't do that at school either. Let's draw the line and get our priorities straight.
My child who attend LJHS and has the last lunch period has on more than one occassion had to have something for lunch that she didn't want or wasn't listed that day because they had ran out of food! They need to have better preparation in order to service all children and all lunch periods. Don't they take a count each day on how many kids have packed their lunch and how many are eating school lunch? They do this at the elementary schools.
To the anonymous writer from 10:10 to 11:14 AM on October 16, 2006...(I'll only say this once)...The Federal Government does not prohibit and constitutionally must protect your right to the free exercise of your religion, even at school. In fact, students at Plymouth High School may and do exercise that right, even on campus.
To October 17, @ 3:22p.m.: Are you kidding me!! You can't be serious! Are you an ACLU spokesman or something? Hello, it's 2006, not 1956. The Liberals have completely overtaken the teacher's unions and the education system in this country. That's why public education is a joke! We have to teach to the "middle." Public education has been dumbed down so much that most countries are way ahead of us in test scores.
I will try to post this only once this time- (we can't ALL be perfect) Just curious to the anoymous poster on Ocy 17--Is staff permitted to particiapate freely during school hours with students in the exercise of religion? Just a simple question, certainly wouldn't want to step on any toes.
Wow, such interaction!!! Maybe we should have our own blog?
No, I'm not an ACLU spokesman. I'm far from it. While I may agree with some of your assessment of the public school system and the liberals taking over the unions, I'll disagree with your opinion on prayer in the public schools. Students are allowed to pray and do so at Plymouth High School.
And to answer the other blogger, let me add that this student prayer is student led. You really don't want one of those liberal union members leading the prayer time, do you?
And another thing....
If the Christians were to get involved in the school system rather than retreating from it and/or starting their own 'Christian' schools, maybe the public school system wouldn't be in such trouble. Yes, I am serious and no, I'm not kidding.
Oh and one more thing...You said "we have to teach to the 'middle'", so are you a teacher? Why do you allow your teaching to conform to the world's standards? Stand up for what's right and change the standard!
pretty good debate amongst anonymous posters...
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