Tuesday, October 17, 2006

Blog bits

Update of Buildings
The base coat of asphalt on Elm Street and the auxiliary parking lot have been completed at Menominee Elementary School. The application of the final coat and the installation of the street lights will take place as soon as weather permits. Contractors are wrapping up the punch list. The folding door between the gymnasium and the music room and a second folding door in the conference room are scheduled for delivery and installation by the end of the month. The soccerplex field has been reconditioned and reseeded. The Plexiglas has been installed on the railings at each end of the H.S. gymnasium to provide for the safety of small children.

Wellness Policy
We appreciate the many comments we have received regarding the wellness policy. We invite all of our constituents to read the policy and the guidelines. We think a reading of those will answer many of the rumors and misconceptions that persist. We are both willing to meet and discuss the policy and guidelines and how they are being implemented at Plymouth. When there are concerns about the lunch program, please direct those to the building principal so the situation can be investigated.

United Way
Our employee United Way campaign has concluded. This year, the employees of Plymouth Community Schools have donated and/or pledged $12,903.00 to Marshall County United Way. This is a 10% increase over last year. Our employees see first hand the benefits and services member agencies offer our students and our student’s families. Our student campaigns will continue for the next few weeks. We are anticipating that our students will break the record of $6,024.00 in giving from last year.

The Riverside staff had prepared diligently for the last 18 months in anticipation of the implementation of the 5th and 6th grade program. We now see students and staff excited about Riverside. Our sincere appreciation is extended to the Riverside staff for their preparation and enthusiasm. Go Rockets!!

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