Tuesday, February 22, 2005

The Future is Clearer, or is it?

The Indiana House of Representatives passed its version of a budget yesterday.

Some highlights: The budget is balanced between fiscal years 2005 and 2007. It ends the structural deficit in fiscal year 2007. There are no tax increases. There is no additional borrowing, delays or use of other dedicated funds. The budget is silent on previously incurred payment delays.

The K-12 formula has the following features: The funding follows the student, not the corporation. Declining/increasing enrollment adjustment was made. Increased use of complexity index to support disadvantaged students in schools. Property tax keeps the whole property tax burden consistent while providing additional funding for education. Two percent (2%) existing capital projects account funding for insurance and utilities is maintained. It maintains the foundation grant per student. It funds the fiscal year 2005 deficiency which is $20,000,000. Tuition support and property tax replacement dollars are funded at $155,000,000. Local funds have a $71,000,000 increase. Total increase in this budget for education is $264,000,000. It also restores a transportation funding authority.

I called our representative’s office last week to ask for a computer print-out of how the budget would impact Plymouth schools. As of today I have not received that print-out. On Saturday morning, I asked the head of the Superintendent’s Association if he could provide a print-out; within two minutes I was provided a print-out of every district in Indiana. Our representative did not seek local input regarding the impact on Plymouth schools.

Projected impact of the proposed budget on Plymouth Schools is as follows:

Total regular school dollars: There will be an increase of 1.4% in fiscal year 2006 and .6% in fiscal year 2007

Special Ed: There will be a -2.1% support in 2006 and a positive 2.7% in 2008

Vocational Ed: This budget projects an increase of 34.9% in 2006 and 17.9% in 2007

Primetime dollars: 7.5% increase in 2006 and 7.5% increase in 2007

Academic Honors Diploma: -4.2% in 2006 and a 10% increase in 2007

When added together, total dollars, the budget is projected to be 1.9% greater in 2006; 1.4% greater in fiscal year 2007.

Pundits predict the Senate version will be somewhere between the Governor’s proposal and the House budget. More details are available at: http://www.indystar.com/articles/2/224145-1972-009.html

Concerns: I am greatly concerned that our vocational enrollments will not produce the projected increase because the individual reimbursement amounts remain the same. This projection also assumes that our district will grow by 34 students in calendar year 2006 and an additional 20 students in calendar year 2007. If we assume no pay raises and increases in insurance and utilities, we will be $150,000 short of projected expenses.

Please write Representative Heim and Senator Heinhold and express your concerns. Your dedication to our students is greatly appreciated.

There is a lot of time left in this legislative session. At 9:30 on February 26th, at the library, both Representative Heim and Senator Heinhold will be available. A large turnout is needed to let them know how people back home feel about education.

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