Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Title I Night at Jefferson Elementary

The Title I Parent Night at Jefferson Elementary was attended by many parents and students. The evening started with a meal provided by the cafeteria staff. The school's reading program was then explained by Kelly Arce, Title I teacher at Jefferson. Mr. Remenih, Jefferson's principal, showed a PowerPoint explaining the new report card for grades K-2 and how the teachers will use Mastery Learning for the marks. After that, parents and students were provided materials and made learning games that were then taken home. In the picture, Angel Arroyo and Yohoni Torres help make a vocabulary learning game.

All parents are welcome to attend the Title I night at any elementary school. Supper is free and served starting at 5:30, the meeting starts at 6:00.

Webster - Thursday, September 23
Menominee - Tuesday, September 28
Washington - Thursday, September 30
Riverside Intermediate - Tuesday, October 5

Core Value: High Expectations

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