Friday, September 12, 2008

2008-2009 New Staff

Chelsea Bennett is our new 8th grade social studies teacher at Lincoln Junior High School. She is a graduate of Ohio Northern University.

Chelsea looks forward to working with an eager corporation focused on student education and well being. She feels the support the community, teachers, and families provide will create a great first year teaching.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I would just love to thank Ms. Bennet for all the work she did with our coach for the LJH girls Cross Country Team. We had a great team this year. I have never seen a team as clsoe as this one. All of the kdis got along great, there were no put downs of fellow teammates. If they had a teammate that was behind they all would stay at the finish line until all of their team members finished. Thanks Ms Bennet for helping our kids to have a wonderful season.