Personnel recommendations included, but were not limited to, the retirement of Sara Lopez, Jan Shockney, Jan Reid, and Paula Arvesen. All have long tenure in Plymouth Community Schools and are sorry to see them leave us.
Appointments included, but were not limited to: Katy Stewart - 4th grade teacher at Jefferson Elementary, Jessica Huntley - 4th grade teacher at Washington Elementary, Jesse Evans - Lincoln Jr. High Band Director, Jennifer Faulstich - Lincoln Jr. High math, and Kevin Stuckmeyer - PHS Head Varsity Basketball Coach.
Mrs. Carrie McGuire and several teachers were present to give an executive summary of the Webster School academic growth plan.
Textbook fees for 2008-2009 for grades K-6 were established.
Melissa Christiansen was appointed as a member of the Redevelopment Commission.
During Superintendent remarks, Mr. Tyree gave an update on the soccer field and thanked Dr. Ratliff and Mr. Harrison for their exemplary work on the bomb threat and the visit of Former President Clinton. Mr. Tyree also congratulated the BPA on an outstanding performance at their National Convention and gave a public thank-you to Mr. Don Harrison for doing a great job as the interim assistant principal at the high school. Mr. Harrison’s last day was May 16th.
The next meeting will be June 5, 2008 at 7:00 p.m. in the Board Room.
Welcome to the Plymouth Truth. The Plymouth Truth is the web log of Mr. Dan Tyree and Dr. Rodger Smith. Dan is the Superintendent and Rodger is the Assistant Superintendent of Schools for the Plymouth Community School Corporation in Plymouth, Indiana.
Tuesday, May 20, 2008
Monday, May 12, 2008
Blog Bits
The administration of Plymouth High School reports that the investigation of last week's bomb threat has been completed with a receipt of an admission of guilt from a high school student. The PHS administration wishes to thank all those involved in the investigation including the Plymouth Police Force, students, parents, and other school and community stakeholders who provided valuable information in the process. At this time, the school will work in conjunction with the Plymouth Police Department to ensure that due process is followed.
The administration of Plymouth High School reports that the investigation of last week's bomb threat has been completed with a receipt of an admission of guilt from a high school student. The PHS administration wishes to thank all those involved in the investigation including the Plymouth Police Force, students, parents, and other school and community stakeholders who provided valuable information in the process. At this time, the school will work in conjunction with the Plymouth Police Department to ensure that due process is followed.
Thursday, May 08, 2008
Press Release 05-08-08
On Tuesday, May 6, 2008, a bomb threat for this Friday, May 9, 2008, was found in a stall of the Plymouth High School bathroom. High school administration involved Plymouth Police Officer Mark Owens immediately to develop the following plan:
· Our Administration has investigated tapes from security cameras in an attempt to identify the potential suspect(s).
· There was a faculty meeting held on Wednesday evening immediately after school to communicate strategies with the faculty.
· There was a floor to ceiling search of the entire high school on Wednesday after school.
· Since nothing was detected, a communication will be sent home with students on Thursday, May 8, 2008. Mr. Condon read this letter to the students at 10:30 a.m. this morning on the PA.
· If nothing is found through all of these efforts, there will be some changes at the high school on Friday. These changes are addressed in the letter attached from Mr. Condon.
We are dealing with an issue that must be taken seriously that I want to make you aware of. On May 6, a bomb threat was reported to the administration. This threat was made in the form of a note placed on a bathroom wall here at school. The note stated that a bomb would go off on Friday at noon. Regardless of whether I feel this threat is credible or not, we must give it our full attention as we always place the safety of everyone attending Plymouth High School as our top priority.
As a faculty, we have worked diligently to search our building to make sure everything is okay. We have also worked in cooperation with the local police department to conduct a complete search of our building and additional searches will continue to take place.
As far as students or parents are concerned, we are asking for your cooperation in this issue in a couple different ways:
If you have any information that may lead us to a potential suspect please bring that forth to a building administrator. You will be rewarded for any information that may help us in our efforts.
On Friday, we ask that students not enter school with any backpacks or large carrying bags. Instead, students are being asked to leave those items at home or in their car. If a need exists to carry a bag or backpack to school it must be related to a physical or medical condition and receive preapproval from a principal.
Beginning on Friday, student access to the building will not be allowed prior to 7:15 A.M.
Student entry into the building will be limited to doors 1 and 5 between 7:15 and the time that busses drop off at PHS. Students riding busses will enter the building as they always have.
Attendance at school on Friday will be optional and will not be held against you if you bring a note from your parent to student services upon your return Monday. We will conduct school as usual Friday and hope that you will join us.
Upon arriving at school Friday, students should expect to see some police officers on campus Friday working in conjunction with the administration to ensure that everything is okay.
Before students leave school today, each of you will receive a letter describing the threat and everything we have done to investigate this issue. Please give this letter to your parents as soon as you get home from school. These letters will be passed out to you today during your 6th period class. If you leave school before the end of the school day, please stop in to the main office and ask for a copy of this letter from Mrs. VanMeter.
Thank you for your cooperation. Please be aware that the safety of your child is our top priority. Feel free to contact me if you have any additional questions or concerns.
James Condon, Principal
Plymouth High School
Spanish Version:
8 de Mayo del 2008
El martes, 6 de Mayo del 2008, una amenaza de una bomba para este viernes, 9 de Mayo del 2008, fue encontrada en un baño de la Escuela la High School. LA administración de la High school involucraron a el Oficial de Policía, Mark Owens inmediatamente para desarrollar el siguiente plan: · Nuestra administración ha investigado cintas de las cámaras de seguridad en busca de identificar a el/los posible sospechoso(s). · Hubo una junta con el personal que se llevo acabo el miércoles en la tarde inmediatamente después e la escuela para comunicar las estrategias con el personal. · Hubo una búsqueda del piso al techo de toda la high school el miércoles después de la escuela. · Como nada fue detectado, una comunicación será enviada a casa con los estudiantes el jueves, 8 de Mayo del 2008. El Señor Condon leyó esta carta a los estudiantes a las 10:30 a.m. esta mañana en el PA (un sistema que se escucha dentro de toda la escuela). · Si nada es encontrado entre todos estos esfuerzos, habrán algunos cambios en la high school el viernes. Estos cambios son dirigidos en la carta adjunto departe del Señor Condon.
Estimados Padres,
Estamos tratando con un tema/asunto que debemos de tomar muy enserio y que quiero mantenerlos enterados. El 6 de Mayo, una amenaza de una bomba fue reportada a la administración. Esta amenaza fue hecha en la forma de una nota y fue colocada en la pared de un baño aquí en la escuela. Esta nota declaraba que una bomba estallaría el viernes a medio día. A pesar de que yo sienta que la amenaza sea creíble o no, debemos darle nuestra completa atención como siempre ponemos la seguridad de todos que asisten a la Escuela la Plymouth High School como nuestra alta prioridad.Juntos como personal, hemos trabajado diligentemente para buscar en nuestro edificio para asegurarnos que todo este bien. También hemos trabajado en cooperación con el departamento de la policía local para conducir una búsqueda completa del edificio entero y se continuara en hacer búsquedas adicionales. Por lo tanto en acuerdo a los estudiantes o padres, les estamos pidiendo por su cooperación sobre este asunto en unas cuantas maneras diferentes: 1. Si usted tiene alguna información que nos puede dirigir hacia el potencial sospechoso por favor traiga esa información a la administración del edificio. Será recompensado por la información que nos ayudara en nuestros esfuerzos. 2. El vieres, le pedimos que los estudiantes no entren a la escuela con cualquier mochila o bolsas grandes. Se les pide a los estudiantes que mejor dejen estos artículos en casa o en sus coches. Se existe la necesidad de llevar una mochila o una bolsa a la escuela debe ser relacionada a una condición médica o física y recibir el permiso anterior del principal. 3. Al comenzar el viernes, el acceso a los estudiantes al edificio no será permitido antes de las 7:15 A.M. 4. La entrada al edificio para los estudiantes será limitada a las puertas 1 y 5 entre las 7:15 y la hora en la cual los autobuses dejan en la PHS. Los estudiantes que usan los autobuses entraran el edificio como siempre lo han hecho. 5. La asistencia a la escuela el viernes será opcional y no contara contra los estudiantes si traen una nota de sus padres al regresar el lunes. Conduciremos la escuela el viernes como normalmente y esperamos que nos acompañe.6. Al regresar a la escuela el viernes, los estudiantes deben esperar ver a oficiales de policía en el edificio trabajando en ayudarnos asegura que todo este bien.Gracias por su cooperación. Este enterado que la seguridad de su hijo/a es nuestra prioridad más alta. Siéntase libre en llamarme si usted tiene alguna preocupación o preguntas adicionales.
James Condon, PrincipalPlymouth High School
· Our Administration has investigated tapes from security cameras in an attempt to identify the potential suspect(s).
· There was a faculty meeting held on Wednesday evening immediately after school to communicate strategies with the faculty.
· There was a floor to ceiling search of the entire high school on Wednesday after school.
· Since nothing was detected, a communication will be sent home with students on Thursday, May 8, 2008. Mr. Condon read this letter to the students at 10:30 a.m. this morning on the PA.
· If nothing is found through all of these efforts, there will be some changes at the high school on Friday. These changes are addressed in the letter attached from Mr. Condon.
We are dealing with an issue that must be taken seriously that I want to make you aware of. On May 6, a bomb threat was reported to the administration. This threat was made in the form of a note placed on a bathroom wall here at school. The note stated that a bomb would go off on Friday at noon. Regardless of whether I feel this threat is credible or not, we must give it our full attention as we always place the safety of everyone attending Plymouth High School as our top priority.
As a faculty, we have worked diligently to search our building to make sure everything is okay. We have also worked in cooperation with the local police department to conduct a complete search of our building and additional searches will continue to take place.
As far as students or parents are concerned, we are asking for your cooperation in this issue in a couple different ways:
If you have any information that may lead us to a potential suspect please bring that forth to a building administrator. You will be rewarded for any information that may help us in our efforts.
On Friday, we ask that students not enter school with any backpacks or large carrying bags. Instead, students are being asked to leave those items at home or in their car. If a need exists to carry a bag or backpack to school it must be related to a physical or medical condition and receive preapproval from a principal.
Beginning on Friday, student access to the building will not be allowed prior to 7:15 A.M.
Student entry into the building will be limited to doors 1 and 5 between 7:15 and the time that busses drop off at PHS. Students riding busses will enter the building as they always have.
Attendance at school on Friday will be optional and will not be held against you if you bring a note from your parent to student services upon your return Monday. We will conduct school as usual Friday and hope that you will join us.
Upon arriving at school Friday, students should expect to see some police officers on campus Friday working in conjunction with the administration to ensure that everything is okay.
Before students leave school today, each of you will receive a letter describing the threat and everything we have done to investigate this issue. Please give this letter to your parents as soon as you get home from school. These letters will be passed out to you today during your 6th period class. If you leave school before the end of the school day, please stop in to the main office and ask for a copy of this letter from Mrs. VanMeter.
Thank you for your cooperation. Please be aware that the safety of your child is our top priority. Feel free to contact me if you have any additional questions or concerns.
James Condon, Principal
Plymouth High School
Spanish Version:
8 de Mayo del 2008
El martes, 6 de Mayo del 2008, una amenaza de una bomba para este viernes, 9 de Mayo del 2008, fue encontrada en un baño de la Escuela la High School. LA administración de la High school involucraron a el Oficial de Policía, Mark Owens inmediatamente para desarrollar el siguiente plan: · Nuestra administración ha investigado cintas de las cámaras de seguridad en busca de identificar a el/los posible sospechoso(s). · Hubo una junta con el personal que se llevo acabo el miércoles en la tarde inmediatamente después e la escuela para comunicar las estrategias con el personal. · Hubo una búsqueda del piso al techo de toda la high school el miércoles después de la escuela. · Como nada fue detectado, una comunicación será enviada a casa con los estudiantes el jueves, 8 de Mayo del 2008. El Señor Condon leyó esta carta a los estudiantes a las 10:30 a.m. esta mañana en el PA (un sistema que se escucha dentro de toda la escuela). · Si nada es encontrado entre todos estos esfuerzos, habrán algunos cambios en la high school el viernes. Estos cambios son dirigidos en la carta adjunto departe del Señor Condon.
Estimados Padres,
Estamos tratando con un tema/asunto que debemos de tomar muy enserio y que quiero mantenerlos enterados. El 6 de Mayo, una amenaza de una bomba fue reportada a la administración. Esta amenaza fue hecha en la forma de una nota y fue colocada en la pared de un baño aquí en la escuela. Esta nota declaraba que una bomba estallaría el viernes a medio día. A pesar de que yo sienta que la amenaza sea creíble o no, debemos darle nuestra completa atención como siempre ponemos la seguridad de todos que asisten a la Escuela la Plymouth High School como nuestra alta prioridad.Juntos como personal, hemos trabajado diligentemente para buscar en nuestro edificio para asegurarnos que todo este bien. También hemos trabajado en cooperación con el departamento de la policía local para conducir una búsqueda completa del edificio entero y se continuara en hacer búsquedas adicionales. Por lo tanto en acuerdo a los estudiantes o padres, les estamos pidiendo por su cooperación sobre este asunto en unas cuantas maneras diferentes: 1. Si usted tiene alguna información que nos puede dirigir hacia el potencial sospechoso por favor traiga esa información a la administración del edificio. Será recompensado por la información que nos ayudara en nuestros esfuerzos. 2. El vieres, le pedimos que los estudiantes no entren a la escuela con cualquier mochila o bolsas grandes. Se les pide a los estudiantes que mejor dejen estos artículos en casa o en sus coches. Se existe la necesidad de llevar una mochila o una bolsa a la escuela debe ser relacionada a una condición médica o física y recibir el permiso anterior del principal. 3. Al comenzar el viernes, el acceso a los estudiantes al edificio no será permitido antes de las 7:15 A.M. 4. La entrada al edificio para los estudiantes será limitada a las puertas 1 y 5 entre las 7:15 y la hora en la cual los autobuses dejan en la PHS. Los estudiantes que usan los autobuses entraran el edificio como siempre lo han hecho. 5. La asistencia a la escuela el viernes será opcional y no contara contra los estudiantes si traen una nota de sus padres al regresar el lunes. Conduciremos la escuela el viernes como normalmente y esperamos que nos acompañe.6. Al regresar a la escuela el viernes, los estudiantes deben esperar ver a oficiales de policía en el edificio trabajando en ayudarnos asegura que todo este bien.Gracias por su cooperación. Este enterado que la seguridad de su hijo/a es nuestra prioridad más alta. Siéntase libre en llamarme si usted tiene alguna preocupación o preguntas adicionales.
James Condon, PrincipalPlymouth High School
Friday, May 02, 2008
Board Meeting of May 1, 2008
The meeting started at 7:00 p.m. Under organization of the meeting, a Pledge of Allegiance was given. Opening and setting the agenda of the meeting continued by looking at the various agenda adjustments as noted. Audience participation was offered, and the minutes of the April 17 regular meeting were approved unanimously. Monthly claims were approved as presented.
Under business transactions, textbook adoption recommendations were presented by
Mr. Tyree. For language arts, he reviewed the composition of committee members, and the Board approved as presented.
Mr. Dunn presented a report on the High Ability/Gifted and Talented Program, extensively discussing the changes that have been made in the past year, making a number of indications of the Plymouth program and where that is going. He answered questions from the Board until all the questions had been answered.
Under report from the maintenance department, in the absence of Mr. Bruce Hite,
Mr. Tyree reviewed the items offered concerning the maintenance program for the summer and indicated those projects which have been completed, those which estimates are currently being sought, and he gave an indication of where we were on those particular projects.
The donation report indicates that from Lincoln Junior High School, a $300 donation was made by Martin Supermarkets, and the board graciously accepted those and requested that thanks be sent to Martin Supermarkets.
Mr. Tyree gave an update concerning the soccer field status, indicating the preparations are in continued process of being met for initiation of that program in the fall.
Affidavits for payment were considered. Affidavit number 54 was approved for the amount of $4,191.40 for a fencing project from the contingency fund. Affidavit number 64 was approved, also from contingency items and technology, in the amount of $123,290.15.
Under superintendent’s remarks, Mr. Tyree offered a review of the fact that Riverside Drama Club is currently conducting a number of drama activities with their students. The high school is making a presentation of Grease this weekend, and it is noted that Plymouth High School is being acknowledged for 100 years of accreditation with the North Central Association this year.
These past months, we have had Principal for a Day, where we have had members of the community into each of our schools spending time with principals, and their participation is very much appreciated.
The next meeting is scheduled for May 15th. Due to a number of school activities, the Board is requesting that that time be changed from 7:00 to 5:00. The meeting will be held at Webster Elementary. There were no other questions at that point, and the meeting was adjourned.
Under business transactions, textbook adoption recommendations were presented by
Mr. Tyree. For language arts, he reviewed the composition of committee members, and the Board approved as presented.
Mr. Dunn presented a report on the High Ability/Gifted and Talented Program, extensively discussing the changes that have been made in the past year, making a number of indications of the Plymouth program and where that is going. He answered questions from the Board until all the questions had been answered.
Under report from the maintenance department, in the absence of Mr. Bruce Hite,
Mr. Tyree reviewed the items offered concerning the maintenance program for the summer and indicated those projects which have been completed, those which estimates are currently being sought, and he gave an indication of where we were on those particular projects.
The donation report indicates that from Lincoln Junior High School, a $300 donation was made by Martin Supermarkets, and the board graciously accepted those and requested that thanks be sent to Martin Supermarkets.
Mr. Tyree gave an update concerning the soccer field status, indicating the preparations are in continued process of being met for initiation of that program in the fall.
Affidavits for payment were considered. Affidavit number 54 was approved for the amount of $4,191.40 for a fencing project from the contingency fund. Affidavit number 64 was approved, also from contingency items and technology, in the amount of $123,290.15.
Under superintendent’s remarks, Mr. Tyree offered a review of the fact that Riverside Drama Club is currently conducting a number of drama activities with their students. The high school is making a presentation of Grease this weekend, and it is noted that Plymouth High School is being acknowledged for 100 years of accreditation with the North Central Association this year.
These past months, we have had Principal for a Day, where we have had members of the community into each of our schools spending time with principals, and their participation is very much appreciated.
The next meeting is scheduled for May 15th. Due to a number of school activities, the Board is requesting that that time be changed from 7:00 to 5:00. The meeting will be held at Webster Elementary. There were no other questions at that point, and the meeting was adjourned.
Thursday, May 01, 2008
Former President Bill Clinton
PHS will host Former President Bill Clinton for a visit on Saturday, May 3, 2008, from 4:00-5:00, in the Varsity Gym. Students and community members are welcome to attend. PHS is working with his staff to finalize plans for his visit. An update will be sent as more information becomes available.
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