Thursday, January 11, 2007

Blog Bits

Wellness Advisory Board Reports

Monday, January 8, the Wellness Advisory Board met and heard reports on youth obesity and diabetes from Dr. Joel Schumaker, non-food rewards from Karen Richey, cultural nutritional needs from Julie Morgan and friends, exercise in the classroom from Lisa Jones, and the state requirements for the hot lunch program from Gloria Burnam.

The statistics given by Dr. Joel Schumaker were staggering. We all agreed that a partnership between parents, school, and the medical community is the only way to address this problem. To get an idea of the national concern for youth obesity and diabetes you can click and read:

The Wellness Advisory set their activities for the rest of the year.
February: PASS is working on a community meeting with the focus on wellness.
March: Evaluation of the policy and guidelines.
April: Revision to the policy and guidelines.
May: Mrs. Letsinger is tentatively planning a Wellness Fair.

Future publications will feature a summary of information presented by Julie Morgan, Karen Richey, Lisa Jones and Gloria Burnam.

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