Construction Updates
The rain has slowed construction on the Elm Street extension. The installation of curbs, gutters, and sidewalks is now pushed back one to two weeks depending on the weather, Paving of the street and remaining parking lot will take place shortly thereafter.
The carpet is installed in the media center. Contractors will begin working on the casework next week, The carpet will be instated m the music room tomorrow,
The rehabilitation of the Soccerplex will be completed as soon as weather permits.
At PHS, the gymnasium will be Available as soon as the railings are installed. This is scheduled to take place next week.
Thank You
Thank you for your patience during construction.
Bus Route Adjustments
The transportation department will continue to make adjustments in routes to balance busloads. If you have any questions, please contact Rick Scott (936-3115).
The full day kindergarten and ENL mid-day routes will begin next Wednesday.
Will they have a side walk down nutmeg. Right now it is an accdent waiting to happen for children that have to walk it. The other choice is the back field which is nothing but mud. Every time my grand son walks it I am very frightened for him and his mother who walks with him.
Mr. Jones obsereved Justin walking with his mother and commented about the danger.
There will not be sidewalks on Nutmeg. There will be sidewalks on Elm Street. We encourage everyone to use those sidewalks when the street is completed. The street will be completed as soon as weather permits.
Will the busses be balanced going to Riverside and Menominee? They currently have more than 3 students per seat...
The number of busses going to Riverside have been increased to 6 begining last Wednesday. The shift has resolved the problem.
There should not be more that three students to a seat in the busses going to Menominee. If a problem arises please contact Rick Scott (936-3115) and give him the bus number. In the mean time our bus drivers will be asked to monitor the situation. Thank you for your interest.
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