Wednesday, August 30, 2006

Blog Bits

Construction Updates
The rain has slowed construction on the Elm Street extension. The installation of curbs, gutters, and sidewalks is now pushed back one to two weeks depending on the weather, Paving of the street and remaining parking lot will take place shortly thereafter.
The carpet is installed in the media center. Contractors will begin working on the casework next week, The carpet will be instated m the music room tomorrow,

The rehabilitation of the Soccerplex will be completed as soon as weather permits.

At PHS, the gymnasium will be Available as soon as the railings are installed. This is scheduled to take place next week.

Thank You
Thank you for your patience during construction.

Bus Route Adjustments
The transportation department will continue to make adjustments in routes to balance busloads. If you have any questions, please contact Rick Scott (936-3115).
The full day kindergarten and ENL mid-day routes will begin next Wednesday.

2006-2007 New Staff

Bob Remenih is the new principal at Jefferson Elementary. He is a graduate of IUSB. Bob is married to Mary Ann.

Bob is looking forward to working in Plymouth because it is a wonderful community with great people.

Monday, August 28, 2006

2006-2007 New Staff

Elizabeth Ratliff joins our administrative staff at Plymouth High School as our new Assistant Principal. She is a graduate of University of Phoenix Western Pacific. Elizabeth and her husband Charles have a daughter, Rebecca. Charles is also a teacher for Plymouth Community School Corporation.

Elizabeth is a native of Indiana. She loves the town of Plymouth.
Elizabeth has extended family throughout Starke, Pulaski, and Marshall counties.

Thursday, August 24, 2006

2006-2007 New Staff

Blog bits
New Staff

Carrie McGuire is the new principal for Webster Elementary. She is a graduate of Purdue University and received her Masters from IPFW. Carrie and her husband, Mike, have two children, Lee Ann and Logan.

Carrie is looking forward to working for Plymouth. Plymouth has a reputation for its dedication to students and the educational process.

Friday, August 18, 2006

Blog Bits

Board of Trustee Highlights
The Board of Trustees met in regular session last evening. In addition to their regular business, the board:
-established the transfer tuition rates for the 2006-2007 school year. Those rates are $223 per month for students in grades 4-12; $165 per month for K-3.
-appointed Eleanor Danielson to the corporation Wellness Committee.
-granted approval for the Blueberry Festival committee to conduct the Hot Air Affair balloon launch at Riverside Intermediate School,
-approved a transfer tuition student, conducted hearings of the 2007 budget, the 2007 capital projects plan, and the 2007 bus replacement plan,
-authorized Elizabeth Ratliff and Carrie McGuire as signatures on school bank accounts,
-and reviewed donation reports.

The next regular board meeting will be held September 7, 2006 at 6:00 p.m. in the board room. On the agenda will be consideration of the 2007 budget, the 2007 capital projects plan and the 2007 bus replacement plan. The board will hold an executive work session with Dr. Ron Barnes following the regular meeting.

Facility Update
Three areas were not available at the new Menominee school on opening day:
- the media center (the ceiling pads are being installed, the floor area will be cleaned, carpet will be installed with the installation of book cases to follow).
-the music room (the contractors are currently installing the sound deflectors with the installation of carpet to follow).
- the gymnasium(the contractors are installing bleachers. The gym should be available in another week).

Over the weekend, carpet will be installed in the hallways. Weather permitting. the construction of the extension of Elm Street will continue next week with the installation of sidewalks, curbs, and paving.

At the Soccerplex, the contractors have removed the top soil and sand base in preparation for rehabilitating the field.

The Opening of School
Due to the hard work of the teaching staff, custodians, transportation staff, cooks, assistance from parents, relatives, and PTO members, the school year has gotten off to a very good start. During the next two week period, continual adjustments will be made to the bus routes.

Preliminary enrollments at the end of the second day:
Grade 1 – 269
Grade 2 – 269
Grade 3 – 265
Grade 4 – 284
Grade 5 – 266
Grade 6 – 277
Grade 7 – 245
Grade 8 – 292
Grade 9 – 302
Grade 10 – 243
Grade 11 – 261
Grade 12 – 266

Total preliminary enrollment – 3,553 students. This number will decrease as no-shows are removed from the rolls. The official count day is the third Friday in September. For some comparison, the enrollment on count day 2005 was 3,457.

The Neglected R

Recently, Purdue University sponsored a Writing Summit for the top 100 experts in writing in the state of Indiana entitled "The Neglected R". The summit was by invitation only and Plymouth Schools had three attendees. Anne Liechty, Kathy Richter and Dan Tyree were heavily involved in the day-long summit. Other attendees were from Purdue University, Indiana University, Ivy Tech, Indiana Department of Education, Indiana Arts Council, various Indiana Service Centers, and other high schools throughout Indiana.

Topics covered included the following: Believes about Writing Instruction, Effective P-16 Writing Practices, Expectations for Graduating High School Students, Writing across the Curriculum, Pre-service Education for Future Teachers, Effective Professional Development, Writing Assessment Data, and Writing Digitally.

It was quite clear that Plymouth Schools are ahead of most schools in the state as we are not only turning out students who are comfortable in technical writing and college writing situations. Plymouth teachers deserve a pat on the back for the hard work it has taken to implement a K-12 writing program.

Plymouth attendees made important new contacts that will help provide the necessary network to turn out students capable of meeting and exceeding the expectations of Indiana’s universities and Ivy Tech.

Shakescenes at Notre Dame

Regina Warren, Lincoln Junior High Drama Director, took eight students to the Notre Dame Shakespeare Festival Sunday, August 13. The students performed a 15 minute scene from Romeo and Juliet. The students also took part in three workshops, and watched the last dress rehearsal of Notre Dame’s summer Shakespeare show.

Monday, August 07, 2006

Ready for School?

An article on the Indianapolis Star's editorial page discusses the role of parents in preparing students for school. What is your opinion?

Blog Bits

We thank all the school employees and volunteers who assisted with registration at the elementaries and Riverside. The turnout was heavy. We have many new students. The principals are following up on no shows. For those who filled out Preference Forms, the meeting is scheduled for the afternoon of August 8th to review the forms. A principal will be getting in contact with parents letting them know of the decision shortly thereafter.

The contractors at Menominee have done a wonderful job of getting the building available for registration. Carpeting is being laid in the hallways and instructional areas. The finish work on the cabinetry in the instructional areas is in progress. Teachers will be able to work in their classrooms no later than August 14th. School will open on August 16th for students.