Monday, April 17, 2006

Blog Bits

Board Update
The Board of Trustees met in regular session on April 6, 2006. In addition to its regular business, the Board:
Heard a report on the planning for activities at Riverside Elementary from Mrs. Burroughs.
Reviewed the Intermediate School handbook.
Appointed Rick Ruud and John Hill to the Wage Committee.

Construction Update
The contractors continue to address items on the punch list at Webster, Washington, Lincoln, and Plymouth High School. Payments to contractors at those locations are now being held until punch list items have been completed.

At Riverside Intermediate School, there is some seeding that will be completed during the spring season. Signage will be installed over the front door.

At Jefferson Elementary, casework and the H-vac system has been installed. Ceiling grids are in place with the new light fixtures installed. The ceiling pads will be installed during the next two weeks. The building is ready for carpet. The installation of the carpet will be put on hold until sidewalks into the new area are installed.

At the new Menominee, the second floor masonry work in the instructional area has been completed. Masons are now focusing on the main entrance canopy and the canopy located by the dining room. The veneer brick on the east elevation has been completed. The stairway for the instructional area was delivered during the week of April 10. The basketball backstops will be delivered for the gym the week of April 17th. The entire building is now under roof. The parapet and counter flashing materials were delivered on the 3rd of April. Installation will begin next week. Panel deliveries will take place at the end of April. The installation of the dining room windows has begun. The installation of ceramic tile in the kitchen and restroom areas began on April 10. Ceiling grids have been installed in the art room and four kindergarten rooms and kitchen area. The gypsum board has been installed in the office area. The hood for the kitchen area was delivered on 4-13. The unit ventilators for the building are scheduled for delivery on April 17th. Case work was delivered for the art room, kindergarten rooms, and office area during the week of 4-10. The Unit A lights and wiring are 90% complete. The lights are installed in the gymnasium area.

Riverside PTO
The next organizational meeting of the Riverside PTO will be on Tuesday evening, April 25th at 6:30 p.m. at Webster Elementary. That evening, members will elect officers. Anyone interested in becoming an office in the Riverside PTO should plan to attend.

Webster Celebration
On April 7, the Webster staff celebrated being selected earning 4-Star school status for two years and nomination as a national Blue Ribbon school. Congratulations to the Webster staff on those outstanding achievements.

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