Monday, March 20, 2006

Blog Bits

Board Highlights
The Board of Trustees met in regular session on March 16, 2006 at Lincoln Jr. High. In addition to the regular business, the board:
-Heard a report from John McNeil and Jeni Hirschy on implementation of the School Improvement Plan at Lincoln Jr. High.
-Heard a report focusing on the overall organization of the JESSE Co-op and the inclusion initiative given by Mary Kay Davis and Bob Weis.
-Adopted an amendment to the 403B Plan that increases the number of persons for a new vendor from 10 employees to 10% of the employees.
-Adopted a resolution to void outstanding checks that have not been cashed for a two-year period.
-Approved an RFP from Esco Communications for the new equipment for the TV studio.
-Approved a change order to replace the bleachers in the Plymouth High School gymnasium. The bleachers that have been repaired several times over the past 10 years are currently 30 years of age; the replacement will also bring the bleachers up to current American Disabilities Act codes.

Student Successes
Business Professionals of America will be sending students to the National Leadership Conference in Orlando, Florida. Members qualifying for the national event are:
Website Development Team - Michael Brown, Kreigh Hirschy, Mat Keller, Brandon Witmire.
The Administrative Support Team - Allison Menser, John Montgomery, and Even Skirvin.
Extemporaneous Speech and Fundamental Accounting - Matthew Tinsley.

Other students are eligible to attend the National Leadership Conference are:
Global Marketing Team - Erin Dunning, Alysson Neidlinger, and Nathan Pearson
Graphic Design Promotion - Lora Bingle
Banking & Finance – Jeneane Cole
Fundamental Accounting – Sam Faulstich

Speech Team
Our speech team has qualified all team members for the state contest to be held this coming weekend. During the past weekend, six students qualified for nationals at the contest held at the Plymouth High School.

Plymouth Boys Basketball
We are extremely proud of the basketball team who represented our community at the Semi-state last Saturday in Lafayette.

Growing Up Digital
This morning’s South Bend Tribune had an article that talked about students growing up digitally and the need to teach them differently.. Dan Tapscott has also written a book Growing up Digital that gives a thorough explanation of this phenomenon.

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