Friday, March 31, 2006

Blog Bits

Our speech team has done it again! They are state champs in Division II. Thank you to all the team members, Dave McKenzie, Jane Nelson, and Charlotte Tyree for bringing home the trophy.

For Your Reading
Spring break has provided a time for us to do some reading. We recommend the following for your consideration:

Our Endangered Values is an interesting read on former president Jimmy Carter. The book reviews today’s events in light of those values that are part of our heritage.

A Team of Rivals by Doris Kerns-Goodwin details the presidential campaign of Abraham Lincoln and those who ran against him. This documentary uses excerpts from newspapers, diaries, and letters to show the inter-workings of Lincoln’s cabinet and the struggles he endured with his Generals.

Daniel Pink has written an interesting book called A Whole New Mind. Pink describes the movement from the informational age to the conceptual age and its implications for preparing ourselves and our students for work in the future.


The legislature has passed several bills during the last session that relate to schools. The following is the summary of changes:

When parents have joint custody of a child and live in different school districts, they may choose which district the child can attend school tuition free. This decision must be made 14 days before the first day of school. The law becomes effective July 1, 2006.

The percentage and the definition of a qualifying school has been lowered from 25% to 15% beginning July 1, 2007 for the purposes of offering the school breakfast program.

School districts are now required to establish a coordinated health advisory council to develop a local wellness policy. Our district is ahead of this requirement.

School districts will now have official counts in September, December, and May of each year under Senate Bill 173.

For those who drive our white busses, Senate Bill 305 requires that the bus may not be operated at greater than 55 miles per hour and that the emergency exit or exit windows may not be obstructed. This bill becomes effective July 1, 2006.

High schools will now have to offer a minimum number of advanced placement classes and dual credit classes.

Possessing a knife on school property or on the school bus is now a Class B Misdemeanor.

The Department of Education and State Board of Education is to conduct a review of the state-wide student testing program and develop a long-term plan for student testing. This must be completed by November 1, 2006.

House Bill 1347 raises the drop out age to 18 unless a student can prove financial hardship, illness, or may drop out via a court order.

Friday, March 24, 2006

Blog Bits

The 6th graders donated $1,284.41 to St. Jude Children’s Research Hospital this week by participating in the St. Jude Math-athon. This is the third time Lincoln 6th graders have participated. The 6th graders have collected a total of $6,836.81 in donations for research. The students are not only applying their math skills but they are learning to be in service to the needy. A special thank you to Marilyn Drang and Tara Sharp for organizing and sponsoring this event.

Congratulations to Becca Schafer for being in the state finals in the Farm Bureau eXcel awards. The judges found her 2D art project “Wait ‘till Your Father Gets Home” to be among the top ten submissions in the state. The theme this year was “perceptions.” Becca will be invited to present her project at the state finals in Indianapolis. Over the last 13 years, PHS has had two finalists in music, one in writing, and two in art. We wish Becca the best. Thank you to Mark Wagner and Kim Hassett for their efforts.

Have a relaxing Spring Break!!

Monday, March 20, 2006

Blog Bits

Board Highlights
The Board of Trustees met in regular session on March 16, 2006 at Lincoln Jr. High. In addition to the regular business, the board:
-Heard a report from John McNeil and Jeni Hirschy on implementation of the School Improvement Plan at Lincoln Jr. High.
-Heard a report focusing on the overall organization of the JESSE Co-op and the inclusion initiative given by Mary Kay Davis and Bob Weis.
-Adopted an amendment to the 403B Plan that increases the number of persons for a new vendor from 10 employees to 10% of the employees.
-Adopted a resolution to void outstanding checks that have not been cashed for a two-year period.
-Approved an RFP from Esco Communications for the new equipment for the TV studio.
-Approved a change order to replace the bleachers in the Plymouth High School gymnasium. The bleachers that have been repaired several times over the past 10 years are currently 30 years of age; the replacement will also bring the bleachers up to current American Disabilities Act codes.

Student Successes
Business Professionals of America will be sending students to the National Leadership Conference in Orlando, Florida. Members qualifying for the national event are:
Website Development Team - Michael Brown, Kreigh Hirschy, Mat Keller, Brandon Witmire.
The Administrative Support Team - Allison Menser, John Montgomery, and Even Skirvin.
Extemporaneous Speech and Fundamental Accounting - Matthew Tinsley.

Other students are eligible to attend the National Leadership Conference are:
Global Marketing Team - Erin Dunning, Alysson Neidlinger, and Nathan Pearson
Graphic Design Promotion - Lora Bingle
Banking & Finance – Jeneane Cole
Fundamental Accounting – Sam Faulstich

Speech Team
Our speech team has qualified all team members for the state contest to be held this coming weekend. During the past weekend, six students qualified for nationals at the contest held at the Plymouth High School.

Plymouth Boys Basketball
We are extremely proud of the basketball team who represented our community at the Semi-state last Saturday in Lafayette.

Growing Up Digital
This morning’s South Bend Tribune had an article that talked about students growing up digitally and the need to teach them differently.. Dan Tapscott has also written a book Growing up Digital that gives a thorough explanation of this phenomenon.

Tuesday, March 14, 2006

Semi State Ticket Information

Tickets go on sale as follows:

Tuesday, March 14, after 1:00 - parents of players, cheerleaders and managers
High school students - season ticket holders only.

Wednesday, March 15, 3:30 - 4:30 - Plymouth Community School Corp. employees
have a season ticket-you purchase your tickets
on Thursday.
5:00 - 7:00 - season tickets holders only

Thursday, March 16, - 8:00 - 4:00 - non-season tickets holders

THE PILGRIMS PLAY JAY COUNTY AT LAFAYETTE JEFF AT 3:45pm. The game will not start before this time.

Monday, March 13, 2006

Regional Champs!!!!!!

Congratulations to our Plymouth Pilgrims, regional champs! Not only did the team take the prize, they demonstrated the values of effort, preparation, and that never-die attitude. Thank you to the players and coaching staff for a job well done. We wish you the best at the semi-state.

Thursday, March 09, 2006

Blog Bits

Riverside PTO
An organizational meeting for the Riverside PTO will be held on Tuesday, March 14, 2006 at 6:30 p.m. at Webster Elementary School. All parents of current 4th and 5th grade students of the Plymouth Elementary Schools are invited to attend. The purpose is to begin organizing a PTO for the Riverside Intermediate School.

Contractors have begun the installation of signage. Each of the buildings entrances will have a number. This is being done for security and informational purposes. The parking areas at Plymouth High School are also numbered and are coordinated with the entrance numbers. This process will continue through next week.

Marshall County Healthy Living Coalition
Marshall County Healthy Living Coalition has announced its six week winners. The team who has averaged the greatest weight loss and lost the most weight in the county-wide contest is The Lincoln Lightweights by losing 100.5 lbs. in six weeks with an average of 10.05 lbs. per person. Quicks Lanes has donated one bowling game free, including shoe rental for each team member. Congratulations!

The team who clocked the most minutes of exercise was the Washington Elementary Biggest Losers with 13,592 minutes of exercise in six weeks which averages 31.64 hours of exercise per person in the six week period. Mickey Beam, personal fitness trainer at Fitness Forum, has donated ½ hour personal training session to each team member.

The Lincoln Junior High 400 meter track is open for public walking. Week day hours of available are before 8:00 a.m., 11:00 a.m. to 12:30 p.m., and after 5:00 p.m. except on the nights of track meets.

Monday, March 06, 2006

Blog Bits


Congratulations to the Pilgrim basketball team for bringing home the sectional championship. The Pilgrims will play Western next Saturday at noon at the Plymouth regional.

Parent Academy Seminar

March 16, 2006 from 6:00 to 9:00 p.m. Plymouth High School will be holding a Trimester 3 open house and a parent informational seminar.

6:00 to 6:30 p.m. - Registration
Parents will be provided free food at the Red Rock Café

6:30 to 8:35 p.m. – Informational Sessions
Parents are invited to attend break-out sessions or teacher sessions. During the break-out sessions, Mr. Tyree will explain the Plymouth Community School wellness policy.

There will be a break-out session on the In-Touch computer system. Parents of high school students now have access to student information. Mrs. Kim Pulliam will be showing parents how to use this system and what information is available to parents.

Norma Rodriguez, the ELL Coordinator for Plymouth Community Schools will preside in a break-out session on academic services that are available to ELL students.

Mr. Mark Ringenberg, Plymouth resident and employee of College Board will discuss basic information pertaining to college admissions and financial aid.

Ms. Jenny Kesler and Ms. Vicki Ley from The Bowen Center will present information about some signs and symptoms of substance abuse.

In addition, parents are encouraged to attend a session with the instructors of their children.

Thank you to Mr. Tobias and the staff who are planning this innovative activity for our community.

Wednesday, March 01, 2006

Blog Bits

The Lilly Endowment has announced that Monty Peden has been named a Teacher Creative Fellow and will win a grant of $8,000 to learn to play the alphorn and explore Swiss heritage. "The Hornucopia of Switzerland" is the title of Monty’s project. Monty is the latest of many of our school family who received the fellowships.

Item of Interest
Sometimes our expectations of children fall short. Click here for an inspiring story of a student manager who puts in an inspiring performance the last game of the season.

The new Menominee School
The workers continue to move forward at the site. The kitchen/food serving area and dishwashing area have all received a second coat of paint. Drywall has been applied to the bulkheads in the dining room and the commons area. The framing of walls in the office areas and media center has begun. The installation of windows continues. Cement pour is scheduled this week on the second floor of the south end of the building.

At all other sites, the signage will be installed next week.