Board Highlights
The Board of Trustees met in regular session last evening.
In addition to its regular business, Todd Samuelson was elected board President for 2006. Frank Brubaker was selected as Vice President, and Ron Gifford was selected as Secretary.
Kandi Tinkey was appointed Treasurer, and Lori VanDerWeele as Deputy Treasurer.
Larry Pinkerton will be the board representative to the Student Advisory Committee.
Joe Morris was appointed legal counsel.
Ron Gifford was appointed as legislative liaison.
Frank Brubaker will be the board representative for the Student Services Committee.
A schedule for regular board meetings was adopted.
A report on ISTEP scores was presented by Mr. Tyree.
Employees in the Administrative Office
Kandi Tinkey is replacing Donna Mattix as the Corporation Treasurer.
Lori VanDerWeele has been transferred to Deputy Treasurer and will be in charge of payroll.
Wendy Haenes is the new receptionist.
Construction Update
Jefferson Elementary – the installation of the new fire alarm system was started over winter break. The shipment of windows for the new addition is scheduled for January 11th with installation on January 16th. The construction manager anticipates the installation of ceiling grid and overhead lights during the next two week period.
Plymouth High School – The floor surface is being installed in the multi-purpose room. Upon completion, the weight room flooring material will be installed. The Fritz tile installation in the north lobby is near completion. Workers will continue to install tile in the multi-purpose room entranceway and in the hallway in that wing. The divider has been installed in the cafeteria. Installation of the divider in the ensemble room is underway. Wood has arrived for the performance area in the studio theatre. Data and phone line installation is progressing for the new wings. The new light poles in the parking lot have been erected. They should be functional within the next week.
Riverside Intermediate (Menominee) – The parking lot poles have been erected. They should to be functioning within the next week.
The new Menominee – The building of the last exterior wall has been started. The brick veneer on current exterior walls is 80% complete. The concrete floors in the boiler room, kitchen, receiving area, dining room, art room, mezzanine, and hallway between the art room and dining room have been poured. The boiler pads have been poured. The boilers have been set and some of the air handling equipment has been set in the mezzanine area. Installation of the roof continues over the northern half of the building.
Washington, Webster, and Lincoln – Punch lists have been updated.
Dr. Suellen Reed has nominated Webster Elementary to be designated as a blue ribbon school by the federal government. Webster Elementary has been recognized for its ability to close the achievement gap among its diverse populations.
Mary Kay Luchenbill, second grade teacher at Webster, has been nominated for the Disney Teacher Award.
Our custodians have worked extremely hard during the winter break to refresh our buildings.
Town Hall Meetings
The Town Hall Meetings, “Redistricting - A Work in Progress,” are scheduled for January 16th at 5:30 p.m. in the Jefferson cafeteria. January 16th at 7:30 p.m. in the Menominee cafeteria. January 17th at 7:00 p.m. in the Webster cafeteria.
All parents and patrons are encouraged to attend and ask questions. Dr. McKibben uses the information collected from each meeting to develop scenarios. If you have a question for Dr. McKibben, please email your question to and it will be forwarded to him.
just wondering why the school corporation pays this Dr. McKibben thousands of dollars just to redistrict? Is it really worth the taxpayers money to pay to have some lines drawn on a map?
Just Curious!
The redistricting process emcompasses several complex variables. Dr. Mc Kibben has access to data and the expertise to create possible redistrcting solutions that will meet the goals of the district. He has familiarity with the district. Dr. McKibben conducted the enrollment projections for Plymouth Community Schools in 2001. His work has been accurate and valuable.
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