Sunday, June 26, 2005

High School Summit

Three Plymouth High School educators attended the first-to-be-annual High School Summit in Indianapolis last week. Hundreds of presented innovative instructional and curricular strategies being used all over the state of Indiana. Principal Richard Tobias was present at the two-day conference and noted that it was the best conference that he had ever attended. Ben Waymouth, high school social studies instructor, presented on the portfolio system used at PHS. Director of Counseling, Aimee Portteus presented on Gold Star Counseling and Learning Communities.

We would encourage both high school and junior high teachers to attend the summit next year. As high schools are reshaped to meet the demands of the future, collaboration of this high caliber is something our educators can't miss.

Wednesday, June 22, 2005

What is in a Name?

In the near future a name will be chosen for the 5th/6th grade building. The following names have been suggested:
Cyrus Taber,
John Baptist De La Salle,
Otis Bowen,
and Riverside.
Please share your suggested name for the building.

Tuesday, June 21, 2005


The power at PHS will be shut off the week of June 27. Due to the location of our main servers, there will be no corporation internet and e-mail service that week.

Board Highlights

The board of trustees met in regular session June 16. In addition to approving claims and minutes, the board heard a report on the new schedule at Lincoln Junior High, approved textbook rental fees for LJHS, and appointed Linda Rippey to the Plymouth Library board. The next scheduled meeting will be held in the board room on July 7 at 7:00 PM.

Thursday, June 16, 2005

Construction Update

A construction meeting was held on June 16, 2005 @ 9:00 a.m.

During the next two week period:

Lincoln Junior High
The kitchen equipment will be installed. The installation of the ceiling tile will be completed in the kitchen, the choir room, and the music room. Acoustical wall tiles will be hung in the choir room and music room. The floor covering will be installed in the choir room and music room. Tile will be installed in the locker room. The ceiling grid will be put in place in the locker room area. The blacktopping will be completed at this site. The renovation of the current teacher work room into a new nurse’s office will begin today. The case work will be set in the music and choir room. The roof will be installed over the dry storage area; once that is completed, the quarry tile will be laid in the dry storage area.

Washington Elementary
The front entrance will be completed. The vinyl wall covering will be put in place on the bulkhead in the cafeteria. The kitchen equipment will be delivered next Tuesday. Installation will begin immediately. The studs and drywall in the renovated area will be installed. The ceiling grid will be put in place in the music room and choir room. A steel beam will be set in the wall that separates the gym and music room. Curbs and sidewalks will be installed.

Webster Elementary
The shingling of the roof will be completed by Tuesday. Quarry tile will be installed in the restrooms. Ceiling grid and insulation will be installed. The blacktopping will take place next week.

Plymouth High School
The finish studs on the music wing will be completed. Siding and insulation will begin immediately thereafter. The roof will be completed in the music wing. Windows will be installed in the music wing. The painting will begin in the music wing. Masonry work will continue in the multi-purpose wing. Steel will be set over the weight room. Site improvements will continue, especially the road which will go to the west of the new music room. Interior demolition will begin on Monday.

Jefferson Elementary
Utilities will be relocated. The installation of the footers and foundations will begin.

Menominee Elementary
Demolition for the new band room will take place. The construction of the new walls will begin.

New Elementary School
The installation of footers and foundations will begin.

The week of June 27th there will be no power at the high school.
The next construction meeting will be Thursday, June 23, 2005.

Monday, June 13, 2005

Construction Update

A construction meeting was held on June 9, 2005 @ 9:00 a.m. at the site of the new Menominee Elementary.

At the site of the new building, the pad has been brought to grade level. During the next two weeks the installation of footers and foundation will begin. The entrance road will be brought to grade and aggregate will be laid down. The northeast parking lot will be developed as a lay down area for contractors.

At Jefferson, the footprint of the building has been surveyed. The relocation of utilities has begun. During the next two week period, those tasks will be completed. Demolition work will begin in room B128 and B121.

At Menominee, contractors will begin building the new walls. During the next two week period the electrical contractor will be moving lights in those areas.

At Lincoln, the kitchen equipment will arrive Monday. Installation will take place shortly thereafter. Light fixtures will be installed during the next two week period. General clean-up in the music and choir rooms will begin. Installation of plumbing will begin to take place in the new nurse’s office.

At Webster, the installation of heating and cooling units will be completed. Shingles will be applied to the roof.

At Washington, the light fixtures will be installed in the cafeteria. The construction of the new walls of the teacher work room and Special Ed rooms will begin. Installation of heating and cooling units in the new music room and computer lab will begin.

At Plymouth High School, the brick will be applied to the music room. The heating and cooling unit will be placed on the mezzanine area. Roofing materials will be applied to the music area. The erection of walls will continue in the multi-purpose wing. Demolition will be taking place in the old cafeteria and choir areas.

There was some wind damage to the north wall of the weight room. The insurance adjustors have been on site and have approved repair of that area.

The next meeting is scheduled for Thursday, June 16, 2005.