Monday, January 26, 2009

BPA Excels Again

Congratulations to Plymouth High School’s BPA Team for an outstanding performance at Saturday's District Leadership Conference at Warsaw High School. Twenty three members advanced to compete at the State Leadership Conference and twelve of them will compete in two events. Many members won medals in Open Events and many members were medalists in multiple events. Alex Eads competed in seven Open Events and won 7 medals.

To cap off a great day in competition, Gage Egierski was elected District 2 President for the 2009-2010 School Year.

Friday, January 16, 2009

School Activities - Update

The Boys varsity basketball game scheduled for this evening at Concord has been cancelled. A make-up time/date for the game will be announced at a later time.

The BPA District Leadership Conference scheduled at Warsaw has been postponed. The gymnastics meet at Lowell has been postponed until February 24, 2009 at 2:00 p.m. All other Saturday activities for Plymouth High School are still scheduled to take place. This includes the speech tournament, wrestling super dual at Clay, 9th grade boys basketball tournament at Tippy Valley, home swim meet vs. Wawasee, home girls JV/Varsity basketball games vs. Concord, and home boys JV/Varsity basketball game vs. LaPorte.

The boys basketball tourney at Lincoln Jr. High is also still on schedule for Saturday morning beginning at 9:00 a.m.

Activities for Friday Night and Saturday

We will post between 12 - 1 on Friday to let students and fans know about the status of activities on Friday night and Saturday. Decisions will be based on wind chill and the location of the activity.

Thursday, January 15, 2009

School Closed

Plymouth Schools are closed Friday, January 16 because of the extreme wind chills. Announcements concerning weekend activities will be made at noon on Friday. The Administration Office will be open until 1:00 PM.

2 Hour Delay for January 16, 2009 (Friday)

Due to the wind chill predictions of -34 by 7:00 a.m. tomorrow morning, we are calling a two-hour delay for Friday, January 16, 2009.

Mr. Tyree uses the following websites when determining wind chill and weather predictions.

Once you navigate to the site, you can choose to look at an hour by hour forecast that will show temperatures, wind chill, etc.

The NOAA website also gives a tabular forecast by the hour. To find this report, go to the right side of the web page and at the bottom will be a link for "tabular forecast". After clicking that link, you will see a table showing various elements...and you can define the elements that you would like to see and hit submit.

Schools Closed

Plymouth Schools are closed on Thursday, January 15 because of the extreme cold conditions. At 7:15 AM wind chill gusts were blowing as low as -23 degrees. The prediction from the National Weather Service illustrate that temperatures will not get any better throughout the day. We have been notified that the Boys and Girls Club will be open today.

Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Snow Days

The process for determining delays often starts at 4:00 AM or sometimes the night before. I've gone to bed at night when a blizzard-like storm has been predicted only to wake up early the next morning to find that there was a wind shift and the storm missed Plymouth, but hit Warsaw and Wawasee.

We have employees that drive our roads in the morning and during the day if warranted. We communicate with the State and County Highway Departments concerning the conditions of the roads and if they believe they can keep the roads open and safe for our busses. We have several good web sites that give us an hour-by-hour forecast weather specific to the Plymouth School District and not a general forecast for the the Michiana area. We use all of these resources to make a decision and the final decision is made by me the Superintendent of Schools.

In regards to today's call, the roads were in acceptable shape this morning when we delivered children to the schools. It was -9 degrees wind chill, which according to the National Weather Service, children can stand outside waiting for a bus for at least 30 minutes without the worry of frostbite. As the day passed we continued to monitor the weather web sites and the county and state plowing schedules. I determined that the safest time to take children home would be at the end of school. This would give the county and state time to remove and snowfall or drifts caused by this morning's snowfall. In addition, by waiting until the end of the school day we aren't afraid that we'll send a young child home to an empty house.

Tomorrow morning the forecast is for heavy snow and wind chills over -20 degrees. These wind chills predictions decrease the outside time to only 10 minutes before the chance of frost bite. Also by calling a delay the night before we give parents a chance to line up child care for their children if needed.

School Cancellations

The 6:00 p.m. Adult Education Classes are cancelled for this evening.

All activities after 6:00 p.m. in ALL buildings are cancelled for this evening.

2 Hour Delay for January 15, 2009 (Thursday)

Due to the wind chill predictions of -26 by 7:00 a.m. tomorrow morning, we are calling a two-hour delay for Thursday, January 15, 2009.

Tuesday, January 13, 2009

In-Service 1/2 Day

Thursday, January 22, 2009, is scheduled as a corporation in-service day.

All Elementary, Riverside, and LJH students will be dismissed at 12:20 p.m.

PHS students will be dismissed at 12:30 p.m.

If there is a two-hour delay on any in-service day, school WILL be in session the FULL day.

School Cancellations

The 6:00 p.m. Adult Education Classes have been cancelled for this evening.

The PHS girl's basketball game scheduled for this evening has been cancelled.

All activities after 6:00 p.m. at ALL buildings are cancelled for this evening.

2 Hour Delay

On the West side of the corporation, we are experiencing high winds and blowing snow that leads to poor conditions for driving. With the impending wind, cold, and snow that is predicted to continue, we are calling for a 2 Hour Delay.

Monday, January 12, 2009

Where are they now?

Most of us remember Jenelle Palmer, a 2001 Plymouth graduate, as one of the sparkplugs of that 2001 state runner-up girl’s basketball team. Since graduating from Plymouth she has also graduated from Ball State University, spent one-year in an accelerated program at IUPUI, and now is in her 3rd year of Optometry School at Indiana University in Bloomington. Jenelle is getting ready to start her rotations and has already gone through her "White Coat Ceremony." We are proud of Jenelle and her accomplishments.

Where Are They Now? is a new feature for the Plymouth Truth. We are pleased to partner with the Pilot News to bring you stories about Plymouth High School graduates and their life after high school. While Where Are They Now? will concentrate on writing snippets about graduates, the Pilot News may pick up a story now and then for their feature Small Town, Big World.

If you have a story you would like to report about a son, daughter, brother, sister, any relative or even a neighbor, send their story in an email and make sure you include the person's email or phone number, the graduation date from PHS and we will feature the person in one of our weekly Blog entries.

Send emails to

Severe Cold Weather Bus Route

January 12, 2009

The weather forecast for the Plymouth area causes some concern for morning (AM) travel to Plymouth Schools this week. Tuesday through Friday we will offer a Severe Cold Weather Bus Route for walkers. Listed below are the pick up points for students to catch the Severe Cold Weather Bus:

7:17 Baker and Fairbanks
7:20 Walnut and Novelty
7:22 Walnut and Harrison
7:24 Walnut and Monroe
7:26 Walnut and Washington
7:28 Walnut and Lewis
7:30 Pierce and Gilmore
7:32 Gilmore and Dickson
7:34 Pearl and Conger
7:36 Thayer and Nursery
7:38 Miner and Ewing
7:40 Bayless and Charles
7:42 Liberty and Pennsylvania

Any questions concerning the Severe Weather Route may be directed to the Transportation Office at 936-3169.

Tuesday, January 06, 2009

Gas Leak

Plymouth Schools has been notified of a natural gas leak. As a result, Liberty Street from LaPorte Street to the railroad tracks and Pennsylvania Street from West Street to Michigan Street is closed. Students cannot walk to or be driven to these areas by a school bus. Parents will be notified to pick up their student(s) at 3:10 p.m. Parents who cannot be notified will have their student(s) taken to the after school program at Webster Elementary. The after school program will be open until all parents are notified. If there are any questions, please call (574) 936-3115.