Thursday, March 20, 2008

Board of School Trustees Update

This is an update of the School Board of Trustees Board Meeting that was held on March 19, 2008 at 7:00 p.m. at Lincoln Jr. High.

Business items:

1. Appointment of a New Superintendent: Board President, Todd Samuelson, explained the process the Board has used to choose a new superintendent. The Board is still in the process of making a selection from the final three candidates. Mr. Samuelson hopes to be able to announce a new superintendent at the April 3rd board meeting held at the Administration Building Board Room.

2. Ratification of Teacher Contract: The Board ratified the 2-year teacher contract last evening. The teachers received a 3% increase in salary the first year and also a 3% increase in salary the second year. The first year there will be a .25% added on to the VEBA. Extra-curricular will also have 3% increase both years. The Board will pay for a single plan, with the exception of $1.00, plus single dental and single vision. The Board will now pay more than the single plan for family insurance. Several items of language were changed including bereavement leave, transfer language, and collaboration language.

3. Classified Conditions of Employment: The classified will also receive a 3% increase each year. They will receive the same insurance and bereavement leave benefits. The bus drivers will also receive a 3% increase each year. In addition, the bus drivers will receive an increase from $3,000 to $3,500 paid for their insurance.

4. LJH Academic Growth Plan: Mr. Funston updated the Board on the academic growth plan and the ISTEP results at Lincoln Junior High.

5. Strategic Plan: Mr. Tyree updated the strategic plan.

6. Textbook Adoption: Mr. Tyree presented the top two selections for each book proposed for adoption in world language and language arts, grades K-12. The books now go on display for any interested community member. These books may be viewed at the Administration Building Board Room at 611 Berkley. Office hours are from 7:30 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. daily. Please call (574) 936-3115 to make an appointment to view these books as the Board Room is used for many meetings during the week as well.

7. Legislative Report: Mr. Gifford gave a brief report on the end of the legislative session and how it affects schools. Mr. Gifford will be able to give a more detailed report a later date.

8. ENL/Migrant Summer School: Mr. Tyree asked for permission to apply for the ENL/Migrant summer school grant. The Board approved.

9. Savings on Spring Projects: Mr. Tyree reported savings on spring projects of $56,000.00. The Board approved of two additional projects 1) putting new vinyl on the walls of the Plymouth High School auditorium (right now the auditorium still has the vinyl from the original building project in the 70’s), 2) approved purchasing a wide deck lawnmower to help with mowing of the many lawns of the school corporation (this is needed partly because of the expanded lawns at Menominee Elementary).

The next Board Meeting will be held April 3, 2008 in the Board Room at 611 Berkley Street at 7:30 p.m.

Monday, March 17, 2008

2008 Kindergarten Round-up

Plymouth School Corporation will host the annual Kindergarten Round-up on April 17, 2008 in ALL Plymouth Elementary Schools.

There will be two sessions. Parents and the incoming Kindergarten child need only attend one session. The 1st session is at 1:30 p.m. The 2nd session is at 6:00 p.m. Each session should last no longer than one hour.

Please bring an original copy of your child’s birth certificate, immunization records, and a social security number. The schools will make copies of the originals. For Spanish speaking Kindergarteners and parents, interpreters will be available. During the hour-long Round-up, parents will meet with administrators and fill out registration forms while children will meet with Kindergarten teachers for screening.

In order to be eligible for Round-up this year, your child needs to be 5 years old on or before August 1, 2008.

For those unsure of which building their child will attend, please call (574) 936-3115 and ask for the transportation department.

Resume del Kindergarten para el 2008

La Corporación de Escuelas de Plymouth llevara acabo el resume anual del Kindergarten el 17 de Abril del 2008 en Todas las escuelas primarias.

Habrá dos sesiones. Los padres y el estudiante que ira al kindergarten solo necesita asistir a una sesión. La primera sesión será a la 1:30 p.m. La segunda sesión será a las 6:00 p.m. Cada sesión durara no más de una hora.

Por favor traiga una copia original del certificado de nacimiento de su hijo/a, record de inmunización, y el número del seguro social. Las escuelas harán copias de los originales. Para los estudiantes de Kindergarten y los padres que hablan español, habrá intérpretes disponibles. Durante la larga hora del resume, los padres se reunirán con los administradores y llenaran las formas de registración mientras que los niños/as se reunirán con las maestras de Kindergarten para ser examinados.

En orden para ser elegible para el resume de este año, su hijo/a necesita tener 5 años el o antes del 1ro de Agosto del 2008.

Para aquellos que no sepan a cual edificio asistirá su hijo/a, por favor llame al (574) 936-3115 y pregunte por el departamento de transportación.

Wednesday, March 12, 2008

Tentative - End of Year Schedule for Plymouth H.S.

Pending state approval of a two day waiver, the following year end schedule changes have been made to Plymouth High School:

Revised End of School Year Calendar

Date and Activity
May 21, 22 ----------------- Senior Exams/regular day for grades 9-11

May 23--------------------- Senior Brunch & Awards

May 27, 28-------------- No senior class attendance/regular days for grades 9-11

May 29------------------ Exams/Periods 2 & 5 for Grades 9-11/regular day
--------------------------Commencement Practice - 9:00AM-11:00AM-Varsity Gym

May 30------------------Last Student Day Grades 9-11 Exams/Periods 1,4,6
--------------------------Commencement-7:00PM-Varsity Gym

June 2-------------------Teacher Record Day

PHS Summer School
June 3–June 27----------Session I…8:00AM-12:00PM
June 30-July 25----------Session II…8:00AM-12:00PM
July 4--------------------Holiday- Summer School not in session

PHS Basic Skills Summer School
July 14-August 8----------1:00PM-4:00PM

Monday, March 10, 2008

Basketball Tickets for Sale

Semi - State Tickets will be sold as follows:

Wednesday, March 12
Parents of varsity players, managers and cheerleaders,
High School students and high school employees from 12:00 – 4:00 PM - -

Wednesday, March 12
From 3:30 – 4:30 PM - Plymouth Community School Corp. Employees – season ticket holders only.

Wednesday, March 12
Season Tickets holders - Tickets will go on sale at 6:00 in the varsity gym.
There will be a draw to determine seating location. Everyone must
bring their season tickets and purchase only the number of season tickets that they

Thursday, March 13
Non season ticket holders 8:00 – 4:00 PM.

Cost of Tickets
Semi-State tickets are $7.00

Where, Who, and When
Plymouth will play FW Harding at approx. 3:00 - at Warsaw this Saturday, March 15.

Sunday, March 09, 2008


Led by Randy Davis, the basketball team won their fourth straight Regional championship by defeating Northwestern (Kokomo). Ironically, both teams won the state championship last year. Northwestern in AA and our Pilgrims in AAA.

Ticket information is not ready yet. Plymouth plays at Warsaw against Harding of Fort Wayne. The game will follow the 1:00 PM game. We will post ticket information when it's available.

The band's Drumline qualified for the state tournament next weekend in Indianapolis.

The Speech Team qualified 7 students to the National Speech Tournament in Las Vegas this summer. Congratulations Chad Griewank, Andy Langdon, Matt Woods, Britni Mills, Declan Fox, Rebecca Moberly, and Doug Gerhke.